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Everything posted by Kcarson

  1. Agreed, middle class is nice....Now to answer the original question, I have read many articles concerning this and one of the most interesting was an article discussing how a lot of companies are starting to get away from outsourcing for the following reasons:1. Time of support (those in India and other countries are not always available during the companies operating hours)2. Communication barrier between cultures and languages3. Not looked well upon by many in the US nowSo the solution to this for some companies is to not outsource but to move the projects to states like Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas, and so on, where the tech industry has not driven up prices, and the cost-of-living is lower, therefore employees salaries would be lower as well. For them, it is a win-win and some are working with local universities in those areas to get professors doing research in those areas and training the students accordingly. (For reference, this information comes from SDTimes, can't remember the issue, but it was within the last 2 months)
  2. Kcarson

    Where are you?

    Yup, that would be me....although I marked my profile on this forum as Dallas, since it is a little more well known
  3. First off, the site looks great, the background, logos and such are very well done.Now for the feedback, I would have to agree with Skemcin concerning the font colors, its just a little hard to read. Second, the on-mouse over works great, but when you move from the main logo (Scaped) to the menu just below it, the mouse over never changes, so you don't know for sure when you are pointed at the different link. I would suggest just putting an additional line break between the logo and the horizontal menu.Third, your bullets are starting on the brown border, I would suggest moving it over just a bit to get all the body text on the black background.But once again, the site looks good.....and the clan site is awesome and well used, you have all done a great job of getting others to join.
  4. I was just looking at some other stuff on w3schools and noticed they have added 2 new browser scripting tutorials (at least I don't ever remember seeing them )They areE4X:http://www.w3schools.com/e4x/default.aspAnd, WMLScript:http://www.w3schools.com/wmlscript/default.aspJust thought others might be interested.....
  5. Well if doing the background in HTML it woudl be somethine like this: <body background="image_name.gif"> For CSS: body{ background-image: url('image_name.gif');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center; } For references see:HTML: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_backgrounds.aspCSS: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp
  6. Glad we could help, let us know if you have any other questions.
  7. You know I have actually seen google.com on here before, but never thought much about it....interesting.....we can know when they are spying on us
  8. Kcarson

    Rank in SQL

    I think Oracle might require a semi-colon at the end of their statements....just a guess though.
  9. Well, for starters in database 2, the topic_id should be your foreign key, not primary key, since there will hopefully be multiple postings for each topic_id in database 2.Also, these should be tables, not databases. I would also suggest creating a third table for user information. It would contain: userid (primary key), name, date created, number of posts, and any additional info you would like to keep. Then in table 1, topic_starter would be a foreign key for user_id, and in table 2, reply_by would be a foreign key as well. That way you could keep more information on each user, and your tables would also not have to contain the username (string) for each post, but rather a user_id (int) which is smaller.Why in table 2 do you have a reply_no, if it is for sorting purposes, then you can always just sort based on the date_time.As far as the PHP side of things, I am not the person to ask about that, but the table setup seems like it could work as is, but continue to think on what else you might want to add to it in the future, and how that woudl fit in with your structure right now (such as user info).By the way, I actually think your initial design is done quite well, it is simple yet will still join the tables in an appropriate manner. I offer all the suggestions above only to try and help and also because you asked Hope all of this helps.
  10. Try this:SELECT datename(weekday,getdate())
  11. This looks like its a homework assignment for a class, as such, you should do all of this on your own. If however you have specific questions (after attempting to find the answer on your own), then please post those with the research you have already done on them. FYI-You should never make a post with 19 questions (some with multiple parts) and expect a valid answer to all of them. It is just not feasible for anyone to have the time and energy to try and read all of them and answer each of them.Out of curiosity, what kind of class is this for by the way, I see questions that remind me of my classes in OS, Computer System Architecture, and Computer Networks.
  12. Kcarson

    GET & POST

    Well, the sourcecode of that page would look something like this:<body>Welcome<%response.write(request.querystring("fname"))response.write(" " & request.querystring("lname"))%></body> See the ASP tutorial on w3schools, specifically this page:http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_inputforms.aspAs far as how the changes you make on the left hand side effect the right hand side, well that is the purpose of the try-it pages, so that you can play with the code and see the result.
  13. From reading the w3c standards, the alt attribute can be applied to images, forms, or applets and is required for said tags (see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/obj....html#adef-alt)The title attribute would be used in this case as a tooltip on mouseover. And as Shinta mentioned it can be used for most any tag (see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html#h-7.4.3)Now for a good rundown of the best practices for title vs. alt, check out this article.http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol6/html_no1.htm
  14. Well, generally speaking, most places out there that offer free services (such as e-mail, web hosting, etc) will offer the service free to the customer, but will charge companies to advertise on those sites. This is not a hard rule, but merely a generality. And in the case of how Yahoo works, well they don't just have one computer that stores all the information, they actually have clusters of computers called server farms, Google has clusters of 1,000 computers that have the ability to store over 300 TeraBytes of information (thats 300,000,000 Megabytes). See http://wiki.media-culture.org.au/index.php...le-How_It_Works for where the information was obtained. So the answer to your question, is not a big CPU but rather a lot of CPUs and many, many large hard drives (hard drives actually contain the stored information, CPUs just process the data).Hope that answers your question somewhat.
  15. Are you using any scripts that might be generating the code with the extra HTML, Body tags? That might explain why you don't see it when you scan the HTML on your computer. There could be some Javascript/PHP that is generating it.Just an FYI, here is the code with the duplicate tags It comes just after the meta tags, and just before your javascripts:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><title>Untitled Document</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body></body></html> By the way, I was able to view the site fine and I am using Firefox 1.5. So it works in the latest version of Firefox....
  16. You can do this with tables (although not suggested) or with CSS div's. Here is an example, or if you want more information/explanation, check out this:http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_classification.asp specifically the example Creating a Homepage without Tables <html><head><style type="text/css">div.container{width:100%;margin:0px;border:1px solid gray;line-height:150%;}div.header{padding:0.5em;color:white;background-color:gray;clear:left;}h1.header{padding:0;margin:0;}div.left{float:left;width:160px;margin:0;padding:1em;}div.content{margin-left:190px;border-left:1px solid gray;padding:1em;}</style></head><body><div class="container"><div class="header"><h1 class="header">W3Schools.com</h1></div><div class="left"><p>MENU will be placed here between this div</p></div><div class="content"><h2>Text goes here!</h2><p>Enter content of site here!!!!</p></div></div></body></html>
  17. Interesting....I learn something new everyday. Thanks
  18. Also by putting it in a database, you could include a field such as date of event, and set your page to ignore all events where the date has been passed, making the maintenance of your page easier as well.
  19. I completely agree, but they don't just make the advertising money off of the tutorial sites, they also make advertising money in the forums as well...I am currently seeing an ImHosted ad at the top of my screen , so by writing this post, I am helping w3schools keep the site up and running
  20. Couldn't you use SSI (Server Side Includes)? A server side include can be done in ASP or PHP and really just allows you to write the HTML file for the menu only. Then in your page you would place a SSI where you want the menu code to be and it includes it there for you Now whenever you need to make a change to a part of the menu, you just change it in the menu file and it will automatically be updated wherever you use the SSI.
  21. But that is what this forum/topic "Suggestions" is for, to post suggestions that Kaijim can read about and that moderators can bring to his attention.
  22. Kcarson


    Very true, I just didn't want to discourage him by making him think that he had to learn all of them before he could be a DBA, if that is what he really wants to go after.
  23. Kcarson


    I would have to agree with aspnetguy and Skemcin. I would also add, one of the quickest ways to gain their trust is by either getting certified, taking many classes in college, or actually doing the work for a company (although under a different title usually). For instance, at the company I work for, one of the developers worked with the DBA a lot over the past year or two on a new Data Model project and now he has plenty of experience and knowledge to get a job as a DBA if he chooses.Now don't think you must learn all about Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc. in order to be a DBA, you just need to be an expert in one of them. At that point, most employers will know that you can quickly get up to speed on the other databases if needed.Best of luck at it though, .
  24. The site looks great. I would agree with Skemcin that the header is a little large and could be reduced in size some. I also notice that at the bottom of the page is a blank area (I am using FireFox 1.5), not sure if its a browser issue, but its just above your validation buttons. Also, the background for your headers on each page (such as Services, The Work, etc.) appears to be the lighter cream color but the background for the rest of the area is white.But like I said earlier, it all looks great, but since you asked for opinions and thoughts, that is what I was able to come up with
  25. Kcarson

    SQL Queries

    By the way, try this:SELECT *FROM InterestForm When you are trying to execute the view, you are not calling it properly. A view is essentially a new table as far as you are concerned (for querying purposes). The columns are: Property, Address, Type, Price, aDate, SalesPerson, InterestLevel, Vendorand the view is named InterestFormIn your query to execute the view, you did not list a FROM and you listed columns that are not in your view (at least not with those labels).I am not sure why it picked INTEREST to makr as invalid identifier, but oh well. Let me know if the above works and if you have any questions about it.
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