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About MinusMyThoughts

  • Birthday 06/26/1985

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    Missoula, MT
  • Interests
    Music, art, graphic design, learning all this fun coding stuff.

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  1. What doesn't support it? I'm testing with FF, Safari, and Opera on Mac, plus IE6, Opera, and FF on PC. It works on all of them...<br style="clear: right;"> worked wonderfully. Thanks!-Jason
  2. And a whole new era of CSS begins for me...I thought a clear could only be declared in the CSS as an attribute (i.e. clear:both;).I'll give it a shot. Thanks so much!-Jason
  3. Hey, guys.I'm having a frustrating issue with two divs in a CSS/PHP/HTML layout. I can't seem to get them to align with each other without floating both of them; one to the right, and one to the left.That fix is alright, sorta, but when I try to put another row of divs below it, it causes an alignment issue. You can see it at the link below (the CSS is embedded in the page to allow me to change it with variables from PHP):MY BROKEN LAYOUTSo what I guess I'm asking for is a cross-browser method of getting my two divs (the one containing a name like "Andrew" and the one containing a block of text) to line up properly so that the ones below them will do the same.This whole layout is fed by a set of PHP functions. I fed each database item into a div to format it the way that particular piece should be formatted. If I can get over this hurdle, I'm going to be extremely happy.Thanks for any help you can give me!-Jason
  4. What kind of error are you getting? Is it doing anything when you submit it? :)One thing I saw right off the bat, though, is that you need periods, not commas, to concatenate a string. You want to use this instead:echo '<option value=c1speed1>' . $a188 . '</option>'; Another idea would be to have your switch set a variable. That could help in debugging.i.e. <select name='selectbox2' id='selectbox2'><?php $box2 = 'Nothing selected!'; if(isset($_POST["selectbox1"])) { echo "<option value=''>Speed:</option>"; switch ($_POST["selectbox1"]) { case 'c1': $box2 = "<option value=c1speed1>" . $t220 . "</option>"; break; case 'c2': $box2 = "<option value=c2speed2>" . $t220 . "</option>"; break; case 'c3': $box2 = "<option value=c3speed3>" . $t220 . "</option>"; break; } }echo $box2;?></select> I think there might be far easier ways to do this with JavaScript, though. It may be worth looking into.-Jason
  5. I fudged it using a min-height:360px; setting for my container div.I know there's got to be a better way to do this, so I'd love any ideas. Thanks!-Jason
  6. It looks like you're checking to see if the user is in the database before allowing your script to insert that user into the database.I think you want the value of mysql_num_rows($sql) to be equal to zero, meaning the user does not already exist.Unless I'm misunderstanding your question.-Jason
  7. The best way I can explain what's happening is to show everyone, I suppose:My working siteBeta Site is breaking in FF and Safari on Mac. It works in Opera, though.What I'm attempting to figure out is what attribute will force my container div (<div id=body>) to adjust its height to encompass the image i've aligned to the right in the display paragraph...Here's an HTML snippet: <div id="body"> <div id="email"> </div> <div id="content"> <p id="layoutTitle">Welcome to MikeYuhaniak.com!</p> <p id="layoutTextarea"> <img id="layoutImage" src="images/userPics/Home6.jpg?78" align="right">This page is currently under construction. Please check back soon for updates. <br> <br> Posted 03/09/07 </p> </div></div> And here's my CSS: body { background-color: #000000; margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align: center; color:#000000; font: garamond, serif; }#master { background-color: #000000; width: 945px; margin: 0px auto; padding:0px; }#header { background: url('../images/MY_header.jpg'); width:945px; height:202px; margin:0px; padding:0px; }#menu { margin:0px; padding-top:170px; font-size:125%; }#body { width:871px; height:auto; margin-left:39px; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; background:#CCCCFF; }#email { background: url('../images/MY_newsletter.jpg'); width:206px; height:191px; float:left; }#content { width:660px; margin-left:211px; text-align:justify; }#footer { background: url('../images/MY_footer.jpg'); width:945px; height:49px; margin:0px; clear:both; }#footertext { color:#FFFFFF; font-size:80%; padding-top:18px; margin:0px; }/* Layout rules */#layoutTitle { margin:0; font:150% bold; }#layoutInput { margin:0; font:110%; }#layoutImage { margin:0; padding:5px; }#layoutTextarea { margin:0; padding:5px; } Thanks to anyone who has some suggestions!-Jason
  8. I haven't tested it, but I found THIS ARTICLE when I searched the w3schools JavaScript forum.Looks like a good way to create a RTE without allowing HTML.If I've wrapped my head around this properly, using BBCode and this editor allows the developer to utilize the strip_tags() function, making it safe from malicious code. HTML will be added later by a script written by the developer, meaning only tags that the developer specifically defines will be inserted into the post.This seems safer than the Dynamic Drive Rich Text Editor, since clicking "View Source" in that editor shows raw HTML. I didn't look too deeply into their safeguards against potentially troublesome code, but I'd prefer to do a little more work to ensure safety...Anyways, thanks so much for the input! Hopefully the stuff I dug up will help some folks out!-Jason
  9. Thanks, but I don't need the code for making the BBCode work...I'm looking for buttons that will insert the BBCode for my users. And, upon using my on-second-thought approach, I think I should have posted this in JavaScript.Hmm...Anyone?-Jason
  10. Hey, everyone!I'm trying to build a tool that will allow my users to format their text using BBCode. I found THIS POST on preg_replace(), and I think I can implement and customize the function with relative success.What I'm not clear on, however, is the code necessary to create the toolbars at the top of my textarea to allow users to click a button to add tags to their text.I'd also like to add the feature to allow a user to highlight a word and add opening and closing tags to their selection For example, the user starts with this phrase: This is some sample text By highlighting and clicking the "B" button, the user ends up with: [b]This is some sample text[/b] So, my question is this: does anyone have a good tutorial or any advice on creating a button toolbar that will integrate with the preg_replace() function?Thanks so much!-Jason
  11. Sorry for the extremely belated reply.Apparently, MySQL didn't initiate properly or something when I installed XAMPP.I just opened the XAMPP index in http://localhost (XAMPP has a page that shows up after installation to let you know it was successful), and the link to phpmyadmin gave me the following error: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) I get a socket error when I run mysql-test-run, too. So, is there a reference or a tip from anyone on configuring my local socket to cooperate?Thanks!-Jason
  12. Do you mean that you want to automatically generate the users' pages?You could set up a template page that could grab a $_GET variable from the link (i.e. <a href="users/profile.php?userid=89282752">).That would allow you to query your database of users and put their information into the page you created.Is that what you were asking for?-Jason
  13. Hey, everyone. I'm still wrestling with an install issue concerning XAMPP. I got everything running, and MySQL is present, it just isn't working yet. I can see that MySQL is working when I use the 'phpinfo();' command.Now, I'll be the first to admit that I know just enough about MySQL to store and retrieve information, so setting up my machine with a root user and all that jazz has proven to be a tad bit over my head.So, all I know for sure is that XAMPP documentation says MySQL comes without a root password.My understanding is that this means I use the following to connect to the database:host: 'localhost'user: 'root'pass: ''That fails when I attempt to connect, saying, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)"So, I came across "mysql-test-run" in the XAMPP documentation, and ran it, to these results: I have no idea what this means or how to fix it.Help?Thanks!-Jason
  14. Thanks for the help! I ended up using XAMPP, and everything's working, except I haven't quite dialed in MySQL yet.You guys are great. Thanks again!-Jason
  15. I'm not sure why the online tutorials never seem to work for me, but they don't.Does anyone on this forum use a mac (I have OS X 10.4.8) and have PHP 5 installed and running?I just made the switch to mac for a company I'm working for, and I'm completely unfamiliar with things like Terminal and installing the source for things.I've had a mac for about 36 hours, so be gentle. I'm clueless.Thanks for your help and/or links to tutorials directly tailored to mac novices.-Jason
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