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Posts posted by homer.j.simpson

  1. Hi all,I would like to create a web page with plain client-side only JavaScript code that accesses web service from different domain.I've been googling these days and found some learning materials. But those are mainly focused on using web service within same domain which is no use for me. I need to access external web services on external servers, and I want to do it all from client-side JavaScript. I would apprecite if anyone can recommend me some useful web resources.Cheers

  2. I'm having trouble with file element. My code is to create a file upload form when user click specific button and there isn't any problem creating it. But when user click submit button, server side doesn't receive the file . I test this by using PHP code var_dump($_FILES). The function only returned empty array. The file element work well if it is created statically and var_dump($_FILES) return file related info. Any idea to overcome this?

    var myform = document.createElement("form");myform.setAttribute("action","index.php");myform.setAttribute("method","post"); myform.setAttribute("id","myform"); myform.setAttribute("enctype","multipart/form-data");var myfile = document.createElement("input");myfile.setAttribute("type","file");myfile.setAttribute("name","myfile");myform.appendChild(myfile);var sbmt = document.createElement("input");sbmt.setAttribute("type","submit");myform.appendChild(sbmt);body[0].appendChild(myform);
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