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Everything posted by nitesh

  1. nitesh

    Profile page

    Hiyou are only quering not fetching value from the database do something like this after quering $user = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id='$id'");$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($user);echo "<p>Username:" . $result['name'] . "<br>";echo "Email:" . $result['email'] . "<br>";
  2. yes you are right i have done mistake it's 3 colum name = ig_paragraph
  3. Hi every oneIam creating a word-press plugin everything is working fine plug is automatic creating database table but when iam fetching data it's not working plug in database detailstable name igdatabase1 colum name = ig_id2 colum name = ig_head3 colum name = ig_head iam using the below php code to output the data form my plugin not showing in my page <?php $mylink = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->igdatabase WHERE ig_id = 1");echo $mylink->ig_paragraph ;?> aiam using the below the same php code with wordpress databse is working absolutly fine<?php $mylink = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->links WHERE link_id = 1");echo $mylink->link_name ; ?> Need help
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