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Everything posted by daytona10

  1. Mentioning the word-break made me remember word wrap. I used word-wrap: break-word; and it all works now. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone, I am making a responsive framework for myself to quickly use in my projects. I got the columns the correct size and all but I have a problem that text will go outside of the column if it's too long. Here is my Css code. body{background:green;}.row{display:block; width:100%; overflow: auto; margin: 0px 0;}.container{width:1170px;background:white;margin: 0px auto;}.column1,.column2,.column3,.column4,.column5,.column6,.column7,.column8,.column9,.column10,.column11,.column12{margin:10px 1.041667%; float:left; background: #f0f0f0; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px #e1e1e1; border-radius: 2px; }.column1{width:6.25%; display:block;}.column2{width:14.583333%; display:block; }.column3{width: 22.91667%; display: block;}.column4{width: 31.25%; display: block;}.column5{width: 39.583333%; display: block;}.column6{width: 47.916667%; display: block;}.column7{width: 56.25%; display: block;}.column8{width: 64.583333%; display: block;}.column9{width: 72.916667%; display: block;}.column10{width: 81.25%; display: block;}.column11{width: 89.583333%; display: block;}.column12{width: 97.916667%; display: block;}.text-center{text-align:center;}.text-left{text-align:left;}.text-right{text-align:right;} and here is an image explaining the problem. As you see, the word columns partially comes out of the actual column itself. On the right is more of the code. Any suggestions?
  3. Hello everyone. For a website I am making, they stream their events live, so on their website they use ustream to stream to the website. They want me to make a little widget that I can place on the home page that says whether or not they're live. Does anyone have experience in this? or have any idea where to start when making this?
  4. Solved it... Apparently this is an osx lion problem. With the introduction of the new scroll bars (which are 6px wide) if a page does is not big enough for scrolling, the side bar disapears..moving things to the right..by 6 pixels.
  5. whoops there's a mistake, but sadly that did not help the issue.
  6. Take a look at the code first, HTML: <div id="center"><div id="center-left"><img src="images/front-pg.png"/> <div class="p-left"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales nibh. Sed facilisis sodales nulla ac vestibulum. Aliquam mi leo, sagittis ut suscipit ac, fringilla in velit. Phasellus dignissim lectus quis augue venenatis fringilla. Aenean elementum, diam vel lobortis malesuada, ipsum libero ultricies tellus, in lobortis augue purus non velit. Duis lectus augue, ultricies eu iaculis vitae, ultricies a risus. In dolor lorem, aliquam at viverra ut, tempor a tortor.</p></div><div class="p-right"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales nibh. Sed facilisis sodales nulla ac vestibulum. Aliquam mi leo, sagittis ut suscipit ac, fringilla in velit. Phasellus dignissim lectus quis augue venenatis fringilla. Aenean elementum, diam vel lobortis malesuada, ipsum libero ultricies tellus, in lobortis augue purus non velit. Duis lectus augue, ultricies eu iaculis vitae, ultricies a risus. In dolor lorem, aliquam at viverra ut, tempor a tortor.</p></div> </div></div> CSS: #center {width: 960px;background: white;overflow: hidden;}float: left;}#center-left {width: 640px;float: left;background: green;}#center-left h1 {padding-left: 45px;padding-right: 45px;font-size: 30px;color: #556279;}#center-left img {margin: 45px 45px;background: pink;}.p-left , .p-right {width: 275px;float: left;padding-top: 20px;}.p-left {margin-left: 45px;}.p-left p , .p-right p {width: 250px;font-size: 16px;color: #556279;} basically the #center tag is the main content for this page, on one page within the #center tag theres two column (#center-left, and #center-right) total width is 960px. I created another page with a similar set up but instead of the columns i deleted everything within the "center" tag and I expected the whole thing to be the same, well it is, but it shifts everything on the page 6px over to the right. I deleted the whole #center-right without problems, but when I deleted p-left and the image, it shifts that whole page 6px over. did I mess up somewhere in the css? Any Ideas?
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