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Everything posted by Mudsaf

  1. <footer>Yourdata</footer> Some css if you want also.
  2. As i told i didint want all of the code, but figured out myself it was automated
  3. Hello, im wondering how to make select option list with vertical scrollbar like in jquery-ui.http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/#combobox I wouldn't require that much functions. Just the simple combobox on left side.
  4. Well i can give the link when i publish the new code.
  5. Alright, my jQuery.tabs function goes over my custom div. I've tried to add z-index 0, 10, 500 to the custom div but tabs is still on the custom content. Any fix?
  6. Code looks fine, but can you confirm that you have linked the css file correctly to page what contains the div element you're using?
  7. How to fix this news error where <ul> & <li> elements goes outside of the newsarea.http://mudsaf.info/index.php Fixed, changed ul/li margin-left from 10px to 40px.
  8. Mudsaf

    dynamic copyright

    Instead of 5 lines i writed <p>Copyright 2012-<?php echo date("Y"); ?> by MYNAME. All rights reserved.</p>
  9. As i inspect the element the slider width is 1020px; and there seems to be 1cm empty space after the content (So it centers it bit too much on left) I tried change the width of slider to 958 and clicked "next" and it aligned perfectly, but you might have to configure the jQuery on the slider a bit. Could not upload file since not enough quota, but here is image link for example: http://mudsaf.info/data/empty_space.jpg
  10. Could you give the link of wordpress site because i cant see link from the video since no full screen avaibility. margin: 0 auto; //This will align element to center
  11. I tried google inspect element and changed some style values. #fw-mainnavwrap { display: block; text-transform: uppercase; font: bold 18px "arial narrow", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif; letter-spacing: -1px; position: absolute; overflow: visible; margin-top: 55px; width: 1000px; height: 55px; z-index: 800; margin-left: 225px; } OR #fw-mainnavwrap { display: block; float: right; text-transform: uppercase; font: bold 18px "arial narrow", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif; letter-spacing: -1px; position: absolute; overflow: visible; margin-top: 55px; width: 1000px; (Changed) height: 55px; z-index: 800; left: 225px; (From Right to left) } Looks like this (attachment)
  12. Well can i add parameter like OR in there <![if !IE]> || <![if IE gt 6]> Solved, found or operator at : http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/conditionalcomments
  13. So basically i would like my navigation to be on all browsers except IE 0 to 6 <![if !IE]> //So this would also have to have from ie 7 to latest <!--[if IE]> //This from ie stone age to ie 6 Site: http://mudsaf.info/
  14. Yea you was right there was 1 typo in for loop. for (var i=0; names_check.length > 1; i++) { Had to be for (var i=0; names_check.length > i; i++) { Thx for help.
  15. umm the loop is working fine, only thing is wrong that it gives error in console that actually doesn't effect the code. So the code works but id like it to be error-free. Atm its giving error on this line if (names_check[i].name == $("#username_reg").val()) { names_check[i].name // .name part which comes from var names_check = [{"name" :"example"}];
  16. Oh lol i forgot to link site, my bad. http://mudsaf.info/register.php
  17. The insert works fine, i tried with phpMyAdmin query window and worked. Check your mysql field length + etc. Also you could check error code. mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); This is the order you're adding data user_id,ap_id,big,small 'SELECT id_add_car FROM add_new_car WHERE date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1','2','$filename','$filename1'
  18. On my register page when i enter character to username field google chrome console will give me this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined Fix would be awesome
  19. <Directory myfolder1/myfolder/>order allow,denydeny from all<Directory> This gave my whole website 500 internal server error. I would like it on every php file on that folder except one. Example myfile.php should be accessed.
  20. Mudsaf


    So this is your html file for example index.html <html><body><h1>My First Heading</h1><p>My first paragraph.</p><a href="http://www.htmlandcssbook.com/">This is a link</a><p>This is a paragraph.</p><hr><p>This is a paragraph.</p><hr><p>This is a paragraph.</p><p>This is<br>a paragraph<br> with line breaks</p><img src="images/cf2.png" alt="sewing" /></body></html> So you have to link it like this [FOLDER WHERE IS YOUR HTML FILE]/images/ of your html file index.htmlimages/cf2.png // This means its in images folder
  21. I'm just wondering how to fix my problem. I have same game with different width + height and its same size as other while their width + height is smaller? Example http://mudsaf.info/games/index.php?playgame=159(Width: 710, Height: 533) Other site http://www.mochimedia.com/games/play/from-nothing(Width: 640, Height: 480) But its actually same size.
  22. Hey, im wondering is it possible to prevent user to go straight to example scripts/php/myscript1.php, but allowed to include with php. <?php// Example index.phpinclude 'scripts/php/myscript1.php';?>
  23. I've made this typo million times on w3schools that i've entered address w3schools.com/forums and that page displays error "page doesn't exist". I would like that w3schools.com/forums would redirect same way as w3schools.com/forum would do.
  24. $_SESSIONS is stored on server unlike cookies stored on browser cache. So you can easily create login areas with sessions. Cookies - ClientSessions - Server Also you can check if posts ain't empty by if (isset($_POST['mydata']) && !empty($_POST['mydata'])) { //Checks if exists and not empty//Dosomething} And on if you dont have magic quotes enabled on your server your website is vulnerable for sql injections. I usually do it like code below. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { //MAGIC QUOTES ENABLED//Magic quotes enabled$name=$_POST['name'];$price=$_POST['price'];} else {$name=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);$price=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['price']);}
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