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Posts posted by Mudsaf

  1. Well if you try that code and mouseenter on "naviHeader", he subnavi text will be displayed, but after you mouseenter subnavi the subnavi2 width is too low. Copy & paste and test and you'll see my problem. (Use chrome, bc i will modify it for other browsers later.)

  2. Alright, i'm wondering how to get pos2 & pos3 width depending on the text size, this is my code so far.

    <html><head><meta charset='utf-8'><script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script><title>Navigation</title><style>* {margin:0;padding:0;}#navigation {margin:50px auto 0 auto;width:1200px;}.naviHeader {display:inline-block;vertical-align:text-top;}.positioning {position:absolute;text-align:left;background-color:#CCC;border-right:groove;width:auto;}.pos1 {display:none;}.pos2, .pos3 {margin-top:-20px;display:none;width:auto;}</style></head><body><script>$(function() {var NavLevel;$(".naviHeader").mouseenter(function() {NavLevel =  1;$(this).find(".pos"  + NavLevel).show();$(this).find(".subNavi" + NavLevel).mouseenter(function() {NavLevel = 2;	width = $(this).width();$(this).find(".pos" + NavLevel).css({"margin-left":width, "display":"inline-block"});$(this).find(".subNavi" + NavLevel).mouseenter(function() {NavLevel = 3;width = $(this).width();$(this).find(".pos" + NavLevel).css({"margin-left":width, "display":"inline-block"});}).mouseleave(function() {$(this).find(".pos" + NavLevel).hide();});}).mouseleave(function() {$(this).find(".pos" + NavLevel).hide();});}).mouseleave(function() {NavLevel = 1;console.log(NavLevel);$(this).find(".pos" + NavLevel).hide();});});</script><div id="navigation"><div class='naviHeader'>Homepage<div class='pos1 positioning'><div class='subNavi1'>Data1 asdasdasa<div class='pos2 positioning'><div class='subNavi2'>Data1 - Item1<div class='pos3 positioning'><div class='subNavi3'>Data1 - Item1 - Item1</div><div class='subNavi3'>Data1 - Item1 - Item2</div></div></div><div class='subNavi2'>Data1 - Item2<div class='pos3 positioning'><div class='subNavi3'>Data2 - Item1 - Item1</div><div class='subNavi3'>Data2 - Item1 - Item2</div></div></div></div></div><div class='subNavi1'>Data2</div><div class='subNavi1'>Data3</div><div class='subNavi1'>Data4</div></div></div> - <div class='naviHeader'>Forums</div><div></body></html>
  3. I don't think that's possible because of security reasons unless both websites are hosted from same server. //Prob misunderstood post but


    $new_pic = "../images/$picname.gif"; <!-- this is only text, not image -->echo "$new_pic" <!-- this ain't closed -->


    Have you tested your code?

  4. Hello, i'm wondering could i make index page with ALOT of functions depending on get parameter.



    if (isset($_GET['para1'])) {Readthis}if (isset($_GET['para2'])) {Ignorethis}//So does php page read all scripts and data inside them or just para1 if my browser has ?para1=blaa at URL. So better to seperate pages or could i merge them all "kinda" in 1 spot?
  5. Try downloading Microsoft Essentials its free :)

    Windows Defender on XP/Vista/7 detects and removes known spyware only. It is not designed to protect against the full breadth of malicious software, and specifically does not prevent viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious software from infecting your machine.

    Source: Ask.Microsoft


    Download here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security-essentials-download


    Additional free software

    • AVG, Avira, Avast, Essentials

    Additional costing software

    • Avg, Avira, Avast, F-secure, McAfee, Norton

  6. 1) Open any HTML file with some kind of texteditor (notepad, notepad++, dreamweaver... alots of more)

    2) Locate the text you want to move from bottom to the top, example below.

    <html><head><title>MyPage</title></head><body><div id="Top text">Text on top</div><div id="Bottom text">Text on bottom</div><body></html><!-- Then just reverse it --><html><head><title>MyPage</title></head><body><div id="Bottom text">Text on bottom</div> <!-- Oo this is now at top --><div id="Top text">Text on top</div> <!--  its my time to be at bottom of the page --><body></html>

    3) If you didn't get it fixed by yet, i recommend you to check w3schools.com html tutorials or attach the file here.

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