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Everything posted by ninjoe8

  1. Hi,I have a problem where i have multiple XML files on a remote server. Each XML file contains hundreds of tags but only one is of significance to this particular project and each of the files contain that specific tag. We have created a macro in excel to open each file remotely to pull that necessary value except it takes FOREVER because of the number of files and because it is being done from halfway across the country.We are unable to install excel on the remote server because of some copyright reason, else the macro would work in seconds. Anyone have any suggestions on how to simplify the process without installing anything on the remote machine?
  2. ninjoe8

    xml to excel

    problem: i have a set of 15 xml files. each file contains 2 tags that i need to pull and put somewhere (preferrably an excel worksheet). how would i go about doing this? i am fairly new to the use of xml. thanks for any hints.
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