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Posts posted by eTianbun

  1. iDont realy get you! In pure HTML: If you want the link that was clicked to still be highlighted even when you recieve the requested page, then highlight the requested page's link yourself. For example, if you are at the 'HOME' page and want the 'ABOUT US' link to still be highlighted when you get to the 'ABOUT US' page, then make sure that the link (about_us link) is already highlighted in the 'ABOUT US' page, so each time you visit the 'ABOUT US' page, its pre-highlighted even without clicking the 'ABOUT US' link in the HOME PAGE.

  2. Use the visibility property.Ex:

    <div id="sub" style="visibility:hidden"> <!--Some text/tags here--> </div>

    NB: If you use the 'visibility' property, the element will be hidden & the space it occupied will be reserved (that space will be empty).

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