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Everything posted by eTianbun

  1. EXAMPLE:JAVASCRIPT var status=falsefunction styleChange(e){if(status==false){e.style.height='300px'; status=true}else {e.style.height='0px'; status=false}} HTML <div onclick="styleChange(this)"> Click </div>
  2. What is there to be ashamed of? Are you trying to say you know all computer languages? :/
  3. $(document).ready(function(){var canvas=document.getElementByID('logo');})Letter marked with RED should be lowercase (small letter).
  4. <link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' href='less.css'/>
  5. What do you think you are doing?
  6. From the method you are using, you can't do what you are trying to do!
  7. eTianbun

    Next step?

    Lolzz! Who deserves the sigle and who deserves the double?
  8. eTianbun

    appending id

    No, thats wrong. getElementsByTagName is a method, which returns an array of specified element withing a Node. Almost all DOM objects (non-empty elements) have the method. EXAMPLE:document.getElementById('div').getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].nodeName;
  9. eTianbun

    Next step?

    Nevermind... Post deleted!
  10. eTianbun

    media dependencies

    both of them are ok, but i ll use <Link>.
  11. One of the few things i dislike, is the way you keep saying people are critisizing you. Nobody is doing that, nobody care if you leave in USA, or argentina and nobody cares if your ENGLISH is currect or not, because english, is just one language and they are so many others. It is not a must, that you speak another country's language, but since people in this forum, prefer/use english, then you should write in english (whether good or bad). The second thing i dislike is, you arque and complain too much. Every knows that, thats why each time you post a question, some dont even what to reply, and if they dont, you get angry and start saying all sort of thing, and when they do, you dont listen and you arque/complain. Just learn to control your temper, Because you are not the only one in this forum!
  12. Try this: When user input data in the textbox and press ENTER key, then it moves focus to the next textboxEXAMPLE: function gotoNEXT(el , ev){evenObj=window.event || evif(eventObj.keyCode==13){el.nextSibling.focus()}} Add this to all textbox, except the last one: onkeypress="gotoNEXT(this,event)" If you know the amount of numbers, that will be entered into the textbox, then there is another way of doing this without the ENTER key and the next textbox gets focus automatically
  13. or you can just put the document in a .zip folder (docInside.zip).
  14. EXAMPLE: <!--Page one: the [next] button in page 1, should be linked to page 2--><a href='page2.php'>NEXT</a><!--page two: the [next] button in page 2, should be linked to page 3, while [previous] button will link to page 1--><a href='page1.php'>PREVIOUS</a><a href='page3.php'>NEXT</a> ...and so ON!UPDATE:Thats how you do it with just html, but for JS, you need something like iframe.
  15. Pop up as how? Add more explaination.
  16. eTianbun

    Styling iFrame

    % (percent): Is a way of calculatiing something, base on #/100. You use % to set width/height of an element, relating to it parent and not it content!
  17. I think you mean "id"<div id="nav">
  18. Give the navbar a unique ID..www.w3schools.../css_id
  19. Opse, my bad! I use mobile phone, so i find it difficult to spot error(s) sometimes, thats why i always edit my post... Thanks for that
  20. Try displaying the form as inline-block, then use vertical-align.EXAMPLE: <form style='display:inline-block; vertitcal-align:middle'>[...]</form>
  21. The example i gave, is just to make only the text clickable...If you want the whole area to be clickable, you can display <a> as block. Lets say, you want to use the code you already have, then you can do this:EXAMPLE: /*CSS*/a.fb{display:block; padding:5px 0px 5px 10px; width:200px; background:url('imagenes/facebook(2).png') no-reapeat left center;}<!--HTML--><a class="fb" href="fb.me/icc.unicah">Facebook</a>
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