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Everything posted by eTianbun

  1. Well, that means: Problem solved & no need to add addition post(s).
  2. Well, no error in your code tho, but the only thing you aint doing right, is that you are passing a string ('f') into the func function, instead of a reference. It should be: func(f) // without quotes!
  3. You cant move it, that job is left for the mods.
  4. I did not download it, coz i use mobile phone@present. The example i gave, should work.
  5. What special effect are you talking about? Note that i never downloaded the file you uploaded, i only used the example you posted, to answer your question. Like i said earlier, the 'target' attr is deprecated, and should be removed. Apart from that, that should work!
  6. Well, nothing much to explain. Lets just say: The 'href' attr, is used to define what you are linking to, then the 'javascript' value inside the href attr, means that you are linking to javascript app, while the colon: , is used to introduce a parameter (value), passed to the JS app.
  7. You only said its not working properly, but you did not say what you got, when you tryd it. <a href="#" onClick="">Link</a> Hope you included the href attri, with the value of 'hash'(#).
  8. -OR- → <a href="javascript:window.open('http://w3schools.com')" class="imagewrap">here</a> to open w3schools.com in a new windnw.
  9. It seems the CSS3 'target' property is not supported in any of the major browser, so just use JS.
  10. HTML target attr is deprecated. Try using JS instead. E.g: onClick="window.open('http://w3schools...')" or CSS3 target property. E.g: a.newWin{target-new:window;}
  11. Use both! Some browsers (previous versions) uses color while others uses background-color. So using both, will give the <hr /> color in both old and new browsers.
  12. Just copy & paste the code HERE instead!
  13. Nothing seems to be wrong with your code :S
  14. <a href="#" onClick="location.href='link.html'">Iframe link</a> EDIT:PS: dont forget to close your iframe tag properly!
  15. div#container a{margin-right:1px}
  16. Each statement/request passed to the browser, is seperated using semi-colon ( ; ), or by moving to the next line of the script (Its a way to denote one statement, from another). So when you write:a='<div> Lets say a variable is created, called 'a' and at the time the browser wants to create the string, that will be assigned to it, it finds out that you are missing the closing apostrophe, then it generate error.
  17. a='<div>\</div>'Add back-slash to the end of the line.
  18. I dont think that's possible! If you are tired of the account, just leave it.
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