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Everything posted by eTianbun

  1. Yeah, stackoverflow.com is a nice place to get answers, i use it too.
  2. It seems like this forum is not doing well on search engines (like google). This forum is one of the top web design/development forum, but You search for something like "js new" and you see other sites and forums, including: stackoverflow.com, but where is: w3schools.invisionzone.com?
  3. If these guys (w3fools.com) are so Good in what they claim to know? Then why dont they just create a site, which provides the accurate data, instead of critisizing the ones at w3schools.com? Funny!
  4. Learn from: w3schools (?).
  5. Okaaaay! Well, maybe they dont even know what they are doing there! There's nothing like <rd /> in HTML.
  6. By the way, where did you get the <rd /> tag from? Sometimes, i wonder were people get tags from.
  7. It works in opera (10), firefox, IE(8), etc. Yes, target is deprecated, what about the NEW! CSS 3 target property? It should be 'name' and not 'target', but since it can also be used to target, thats still ok tho.
  8. Thats true, if the window already exist, it opens the URI via that window (instead of creating a new one) and thats why the name parameter, serves as target name for that window.
  9. You cant access it through any means? Have you tried targeting that same window with its name, via links (<a>)?
  10. w3schools is realy missing the point about JS window.open(Name)' parameter. It should be a target name of the newly created window and not where the URI parameter should be opened.
  11. <head><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"/></head>
  12. Well, i have tried it so many times though, but i hardly see any change(s), except for IE8, when you do something like this: <q lang="fr">FRENCH</q> Output: «FRENCH» <q lang="en">ENGLISH</q> Output: "ENGLISH"
  13. Thats not how the lang attribute works. The lang attribute, tells web browsers, search engines, and other marchine, the language of element's content (including attribute's value for web browsers.) If you are exspecting the browser to (for example) translate the english phrase "The Clone" to french "El clone", then you are missing the point. The browser do not translate, it only try its best, to make it look like french (by manipulating it a little). For example, when you use double quotes around a word ("MAN"), the browser will try to make it look like french, by converting double quotes to e.g: guillemets («MAN»). It also helps screen readers, when pronouncing words.
  14. Why do you even want to lock a post? You asked a question, and you got an answer. Note that there are some other members, who wished to ask same question, but because you already did (asked that question), they just use your post to get the answer they needed. Sometimes, after 1 or 2 response(s) to your post, you may get the answer you needed clearly, but what about those who did not get it? They need to ask for more explaination through that same post, instead of creating a NEW topic with same question. Its better, to leaves all posts open (members only)!
  15. eTianbun


    Do you know what Operating System (OS) is?
  16. What did you expect? The browser should change those words to french?
  17. thats all! From that point, you add <tags> to describe [elements] in order to get a desire structure.
  18. <!doctype><html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html> (1) All websites should have that structure.(2) A domain/webhost company, is not incharge of that, but w3c.
  19. Did you see the example above?
  20. Ok, got what you mean now. just give the <input/> an id and target it.ex: <input type="text" id="chatbox">$('#chatbox').keydown(/*function goes here!*/) EDIT: In the last example you gave, you used </input>. NB: There is NO closing tag for <input> element.
  21. Well, to be sincere, your explaination is not clear enough (To me), maybe you can describe what you want in a better terms.
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