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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. that is right Is there a reason why you need to maintain XHTML. Do one thing write a function onload that would make the ifram at runtime!!
  2. No...to convert image kinda files to other image kinda files...thought I am not sure that IrfanView support SWF....check it out...I gave the link in the previous post!
  3. I wanna make games. I know lil bit about Flex. I mean I dont know it lke I know XHTML/CSS or JS
  4. Can I ave a "Page" that does not show up on the sidebar under the heading of pages, but still exists so that I can link to it from other pages or posts??
  5. sorry for writing l(); I forgot .I wrote it straight in the FastReply, did not test it...sorry
  6. Alright I will check it out!
  7. But how dos it hapen on http://lockergnome.com ?
  8. What if I want a page that has blog too, I mean apart from the main one?
  9. I have started to use Wordpress for blogging. I know that is very customizable and is quite flexible too but I could not find anything in the menus that was too astonishing. Could you please point me towards tutorials that will tell me how to make my blog better through Wordpress?
  10. PrateekSaxena

    Year counter

    Isn't that the same as the code that I wrote? I mean in functionality?
  11. Should I read from the documentation from Macromedia?what is Flex 2.0??
  12. Goggle isnt always your friend and no one feels lucky
  13. http://www.jasc.com/products/trialreg.asp?pid=003 this?
  14. Sorry..I guess I should have read the,.
  15. I will soon be getting Flash MX. I wanna learn ActionScript. I know JS and C++ and VB 6.0 and stuff, but have never used ActionScript. I want to Start with the basics then intermediate and then advance(duh!) I want to become pro at it and make kool games and stuff. Help me out here. ... please give links...
  16. You just quoted me...does that mean it worked :-/
  17. Put all this inside a <DIV> and change its style through CSS!
  18. You havent included the CSS. Include it in the <HEAD> in <STYLE></STYLE>.Also try inreasing the current 500px to 2000px in both height and width!
  19. Try this - CSS - #flashContainer{height: 200px;width: 200px;overflow: hidden;} HTML - <div id="flashContainer"><embed src = "myFlashFile.swf" style="text-align:center;height:300px;width:300px;"/></div> I think this will work! Forgive me for the inline style
  20. PrateekSaxena

    Year counter

    <?php$year = date("Y");echo $year-1999; Will this work?
  21. function popitup(url) { newwindow=window.open(url,'name','height=200,width=150'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} return false;}onload = l();function l(){timer = setTimeout("popitup('http://w3schools.com')",5000);} I think this will work!
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