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Posts posted by XMLTorrent

  1. This is very interesting to me as well. My guess would be that HTML recognizes the span element on a different line in the code but not as a line break as you would like for it to be. So in order to compensate for that, it spaces it differently.I know this sounds stupid but it's the clostest thing I can think of. I'll keep looking for an explaination.

  2. I don't think there is an actual way to unzip a zipped file from VBScript. There is a way to delete the zip file but I don't think you can unzip it.You can check the MSDN website in the VBScript section to find code that might be relevant to your problem but as far as I know, there isn't anything that can unzip a file let alone run WinZip to unzip the file.

  3. I had thought about that too but I had my doubts about doing that because I was reading an XML book and it said that attributes were usually meant for data that was less relevant to your actual document. The title, publisher, type, etc.. are less relevant to my document than the actual contents of the book but are relevant enough to be mentioned in the document. I think I might just place the attributes in the root element itself because I can't figure out how to get a hold of them. Thanks for the response.

  4. From the way it looks, if you were to transform this, the values of StText2 and StValue2 would be overwritten until you get to the last two because they have the same names. You're just resetting the value of those tags. Don't know much about XPath but that's what it looks like.

  5. In response to your question of BASIC itself, BASIC was created waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the days of the infamous Texas Insturments graphing calculators. It's just another programming language that was created to make it easier for people to create complex applications. Implied from it's actual name, which can make you feel dumb, Beginners All-purpose Symoblic Instruction Code.In terms of the difference between Visual Basic and VBScript, there aren't a whole heck of a lot when you look at such things like syntax, naming conventions, and functions. However when you get to such things as database development, graphics, and more complicated things, there is a huge gap between the two. Actually, a major difference in the two languages can be seen in the way they handle variables. Visual Basic gives you the option of defining your own data types for your variables without having to explicitly convert them to other types. VBScript on the other hand, treats every variable as a nasty Variant type and you have to explicity convert your variables to a different data type.The-Eagle-Eye:VBScript isn't the name of the code used in Visual Basic. It's BASIC. VBScript is a deviation of Visual Basic so that it can be used in web development like JavaScript.

  6. I'm gonna assume that because you used the term 'form' that you're doing this in Visual Basic 6 and not VBScript.Since I don't really know what you're familiar with in Visual Basic in terms of database development, I'm gonna go with the assumption that you don't know a whole heck of a lot. (Not meaning to insult your intelligence! :) )A login would for an admin would be handled the same as any login. The user types in their name and password and then the appropriate form is shown. Now what you can do is set a single user name and password as exclusive. What this means is that they are two variables pre-defined in your program. So when the user types in their user name and password, you can check it against the admin user name and password. If they match the pre-defined user name and password, you show the admin screen. If not, then you show the regular user screen. Actually for all intents and purposes, you would want to unload the admin forms from memory if the user were a regular user and vice versa. If this doesn't help, let me know.

  7. XSL is better because you basically make an HTML document inside of it and that's how it displays the data in the XML document. If you used CSS, you'd have to code the positioning of all the elements and the like and that becomes really tedious.And it's more appropriate to use XSL to display your XML document. W3C frowns upon the use of CSS to display your XML documents but it can be done.

  8. In CSS, I see the display keyword used often and a corresponding value 'block' used. Just what are these and what's the difference if you use them or don't?

  9. If it's at all possible, is there a way to get a hold of attributes in your root element in XSL so that I can display them?I think I better include an example. Here is my XML code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="DictionaryDisp.xsl"?><!DOCTYPE book [	<!ELEMENT book (term+, type_of_speech+, definition+, root+)>  <!ATTLIST book  	title CDATA #REQUIRED  	isbn CDATA #REQUIRED  	publisher CDATA #REQUIRED  	type (paperback | hardback) #REQUIRED  >	<!ELEMENT term (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT type_of_speech (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT definition (#PCDATA)>	<!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)>]><book title="The American Heritage School Dictionary" isbn="0-395-24739-4" publisher="Houghton Mifflin" type="hardback">	<term>a, A</term>	<type_of_speech>noun, plural</type_of_speech>	<definition>The first letter of the English alphabet; The best of highest of a grade, as in school; In music, the sixth tone in the scale of C-major.</definition>	<root>N/A</root></book>

    The problem I'm having is that in my XSL document, I can't figure out how to get a hold of the attributes that the root element (book) contains. Does anyone know how to do this?ugh Those stupid code tags in the post truncated my indents. :)

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