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Allen Lawson

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Everything posted by Allen Lawson

  1. Awesome! Can't wait to work with some of you! I kind of had an idea but I don't want to say It on here just if you guys want to be apart in this project please email me at allenlawson.net@gmail.com
  2. Will you please email me at Allenlawson(at)gmail.com as there is many people an here I don't wish to talk in front of.
  3. My site just went live and laready has 57 page requests! http://www.allenlawson.net

  4. My mom manages and makes my accounts so technically I'm allowed to have it
  5. Hi all! I have a new idea for young developers like myself (I'm 14). If you are 13 or older please add me on google+ and or plus me in a post. One more thing, you must have HTML and CSS experience. A plus would be if you know how to write and read JavaScript but that's not required. If you dont know HTML or any other languages you can still try to add to the group but you need to learn the languages before being able to join in the google+ hangouts. Thanks, Allen Lawson
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