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  1. ron101

    web index

    FOUND IT Renewal (com/net/org) w/ No-IP Plus: ronuk.org (1 year) $32.95Private Registration Renew: ronuk.org (1 year) $9.95
  2. ron101

    web index

    ILL check with no-ip in the morning i cant get my head around it now THANK YOU FOR LISTENING THOUGH.
  3. ron101

    web index

    i can see it my self on C/; but no one else can
  4. ron101

    web index

    Yes i got a domain yes i Have got my folder(ronuk.org), but have i got to put it somewhere specific ? ive just got it on the desktop at the mom. Could i use dropbox? Whats my ""domain document root folder"" I should have loaded it up too? Ive entered the (google) html in the html part of index.html (<meta name="google-site-verification" content="MleUBmNj7fKfjSVF32pukZHIo3Gr5JoYAA7tiCmspfM" /> But that's where im going wrong, theres something in the way that google cant see (firewall? or something else ive got KASPERSKY) SO its on the d/top i go to "google search console" put in ronuk.org it ask me to verify it and it should be verified (but its not) should i be doing something else?
  5. ron101

    web index

    Well yes i cant be seen by google when i try and verification it it keep saying ""We weren't able to verify your domain: ronuk.org"" ive got kaspersky could it be that? Ive got it in a folder on the desktop is there anything wrong with that?
  6. ron101

    web index

    Yes i know ive done all that (no-ip) but i cant get it to be seen for verification?
  7. ron101

    web index

    Were do i find out about getting a web site online ive tried google but it takes a week or so. Im looking for some forum or something were people will listen and talk to you?
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