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Everything posted by feck

  1. feck


    I would also like to get into photoshop, and have been looking for tutorials so thanks also for the links.Also want to get some sort of graphics tablet, these wacoms, are they any good? When you say (sniffy), that you trace your drawings in what do you mean by this. does it give you the ability to view the drawing on the tablet?Sorry if these sound like real 'noob' questions but when it comes to it, yes I am a noob and proud of it.
  2. How do you paste large chunks of code in such a way in the post that it creates its own scroll-bar?I've just pasted some code in response to a members question and as an example I filled a paragraph with lots of useless data to express a point. This takes up too much space in the post, and would like to know for future reference how this scrolling of code can be achieved.Sorry but I thought this would be done automatically.
  3. looking at their style sheet they look to have positioned the footer twice: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-gb"><head><title> New Document </title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"/></head><body><div id="header"><h1>Hello From Inside the fixed header</h1></div><!--header--><div id="content"><h2>This is another header</h2><p>This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. This is some text from inside a paragraph. </p></div> <!-- content --><div id="footer"><p>This paragraph is inside a fixed footer div</p></div> <!-- footer --></body></html> And the style-sheet: body { font-family: serif;}body>div#footer,body>div#header { position:fixed; left: 0; color:blue; width: 100%; padding: 5px; border: 3px solid black; background-color:white; text-align: center;}#header,#footer{ position: absolute; }#footer{ bottom: 0;}#header{ top:0; margin-bottom: 5px;}#content { margin-top: 100px;}
  4. If these dynamic controls only appear in the page after user input, then copy the source code when these controls appear and paste them into the W3C Markup validation service.
  5. feck

    Configuring CMD

    If you want to change the root drive your working in using dosjust the type the drive letter with colon and this will change the root of the working driveso in the original post where:D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.ATHLON\is the original starting point just type: "i:" at the end removing the qoutes and the root drive will change.
  6. If you are grabbing information from the user through forms, then yes it is possible by using the url.Heres a link to show you howJavascript Variable PassingHTH'sfeck
  7. cheers peoplewhy do they hide the menu bar?
  8. Hi people,Is this a bug?.Are my eyeballs not working correctly?Where on earth is the link 'OPEN' in IE7 to open local files on your drive?
  9. Does'nt workon post variables that is.Although it does unset any post variable, once the page is refreshed the post variables are reloaded from the browser cache.Anyone out there know a way around this, without doing page redirects?Can PHP be used too flush the browser-cache?
  10. Aha, aha ahahaha!use unset();see the manual at http://us3.php.net/unset
  11. I have a page where an output variable display's in the page, when submitted with the form the next page display's the data entered to enable the user to go back and edit any mistakes.Using hidden form fields I'm posting the variable back to the page, but because I would then like to use this $_POST variable instead of the pages variable, I would then once used like to kill this $_POST variable.How do I completly kill a $_POST variable, so the next refresh of the page uses the old variable?I understand the logic of how this can be achieved using if statements but how do I kill this variable, and make it disapear from my machine?So basically my question is this how do you completly kill $_POST variables?
  12. Say you have a variable that represents a date:$date = "01/05/2007";are there any functions to retrieve the day, month and year values, and put them into different variables:$day;$month;$year;
  13. Cheers MrAdam,Thats exactly what I thought, or came too the conclusion of anyway.
  14. So the select query you have suggested will only still retrieve the first row?How do you then use LIMIT 2.1 too retrieve the second row and display this on the same page?Maybe I need to explain a bit more.Say I have two text fields that display the results from a table with only two main colums.I know I can retrieve the first row or any row for that matter by manipulating the SQL query in some way.But once the row is retrieved and displayed using only two text boxes, how then with say the help of a submit button would I be able to navigate to and display the next row of the query.Basically what I need is a way of letting the user see the results of a first row, and deciding wether they want to edit this data. Maybe they do, or maybe the data is in the next row, or the one after and so on.At this point all i want too do is display the second row by clicking a button, and redisplaying the form with the new values retrieved from the database.
  15. feck

    Button clicks

    The testButtonClick.php was the script itself, did'nt know you could leave this out and achieve the same thing in the post method. Thanks for that, but both way's still require a full refresh.
  16. feck

    Button clicks

    Solved it: <?phpif(isset($_POST['count'])){ $var=++$_POST['count']; }else{ $var= '1'; }echo "<form action='testButtonClick.php' method='post'><p>Counter:<br /><input type='text' name='count' value='$var'/></p><br /><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' /></p></form>";?> Pretty useless piece of code, I know, but just wanted too see how it could be done.Is there no other way of doing this apart from a full page refresh?
  17. I have a form that is filled out from the first row of a query, using MySQL.My problem is this, how do you then redisplay the form displaying the results from the second row of the query, and the third and the fourth and so on...Any examples would be a great help.
  18. feck

    Button clicks

    Sorry andersmoen,what I'm thinking of is something that will diplay the amount of times you click a button, by posting a variable back to itself after every click and redisplay the new value.I not too sure this can be done without using javascript, maybe I'm wrong.
  19. feck

    Button clicks

    Hi,Is there a way to have a simple page that post a variable back too itself and display that varaible on the page.Using a button to increment a variable and then redisplay the new value
  20. feck

    Popluting a Select box

    cheers jesh,alreay solved it.Thanks anyway
  21. Solved it: <?php if($_POST['whatever-variable']=="whatever value your looking for")echo 'selected="selected"';?> Thanks people
  22. Maybe i did'nt explain myself properly.One page has a form that a user places values in text boxes & select/option boxes, once submitted the user is directed to a new page (confirmation page) with a list of the values they have chosen displayed, they then have the option too go back and change anything that they have chosen in error.Once the back button is pressed they are directed again to the form page with all of the textfields populated by their chosen data, by using hidden form fields from the confirmation page.But the select boxes are where I'm experiancing problems, I would like to be able to show the user their previously selected item. Bear in mind that this is not a multiple selection box, only one item can be picked.This would make it easier for the user too only change what needs changing and not having to reselect everything.
  23. I need a way too post a form value that a user has picked and wants to change back to the previous page and poplulate the appropriate field.I can do this with text boxes/text fields using hidden form fields to post back to the previouse page but not with select boxes.How do I make the select box point to the appriate option that the user has already selected?
  24. feck

    Deleting a post

    I've just submiited a post twice accidently one of the forums.Is there a way to delete a post?
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