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  1. Hi, I'm trying to use an svg file to display a logo instead of a png file, but when they don't render the same font and image in the browser. Anyone have an idea why the svg file doesn't display in the browser like in the svg editor (inkscape)? This is a link to the site: www.10elearning.com
  2. I finally figure it out, I didn't declare the visited and active states.
  3. Thank you for the float tip. It works much better ( the positioning). My main problem is the color of the links, depending of the browser is showing different colors. My plan was to have the word "english" on blue, "spanish" on red.I just don't understand why is displaying other colors.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to develop a new site and the links display correctly in Chrome and Opera, but no in Safari, Mozilla, and IE.I validated the code, so is not a syntax error. Anyone can explain me what is wrong? This is a link to the site:http://www.10elearning.com/ This is the HTML code: <div id="lang"><div id="en"><a href="http://www.10elearning.com">English</a></div><div id="sp"><a href="http://www.10eios.com">Spanish</a></div></div> And this is the CSS code that is not displaying properly: #lang{ position:absolute; top: 22%; width:100%; height: 5%; font-family: 'cf_marie_everegular'; font-weight: 900; color: #FFFFFF;} #en{ position:absolute; left: 1%; width:10%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1%; }#en a:link {color:#0066FF;text-decoration:none;}#en a:hover {color:#FFFF66;}#en a:visited {color:#FFFFFF;} #sp{ position:absolute; left: 16%; width:10%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1%;}#sp a:link {color:#FF0000;text-decoration:none;}#sp a:hover {color:#FFFF66;}#sp a:visited {color:#FFFFFF;} Thanks so much,
  5. I finally figure out what the problem was . It wasn't calling the right .js file. So now both plugins work, but the Fisheye menu is not working properly. It will keep enlarging the icon without stop. Any ideas?
  6. Thanks for the idea. I need to play with it and see if I can make it work.
  7. They don't work together.If I have the dock (fisheye menu) on the html page, the slider disappear. I don't know why, in theory everything should work.
  8. I have two different plugins in my page but they don't work together. http://www.wedub4u.com/es/inicio_es.html Any ideas how to make them work? This is the relevant code: <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://wedub4u.com/style2.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jqDock.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">$(function(){var jqDockOpts = {align: 'left', duration: 200, labels: 'tc', size: 48, distance: 85};$('#jqDock').jqDock(jqDockOpts);});</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://wedub4u.com/js/simplegallery.js"></script> </head> <!-- BEGIN DOCK 1 ============================================================ --><div id="dockContainer"><ul id="jqDock"><li><a class="dockItem" href="http://wedub4u.com/es/inicio_es.html"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/menu1/homesm.png" alt="inicio" title="Inicio" /></a></li> <li><a class="dockItem" href="#map"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/sitemap.png" alt="mapa del sitio web" title="Mapa Web"/></a></li> <li><a class="dockItem" href="http://wedub4u.com/es/inicio_es.html"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/about.png" alt="información" title="Info"/> </a></li> <li><a class="dockItem" href="http://wedub4u.com/es/inicio_es.html"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/menu1/portfsm.png" alt="galerias" title="Galerías"/> </a></li> <li><a class="dockItem" href="#contact"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/menu1/email2sm.png" alt="contacto" title="Contacto"/> </a></li> <li><a class="dockItem" href="http://wedub4u.com/es/inicio_es.html"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/menu1/dealssm.png" alt="ofertas" title="Ofertas"/> </a></li> <li><a class="dockItem" href="http://wedub4u.com/es/inicio_es.html"><img src="http://wedub4u.com/images/icons/menu1/storesm.png" alt="tienda" title="Tienda"/> </a></li> </ul> </div><!--end div .dock #dock--> <!-- END DOCK 1 ============================================================ --> <div id="slider"> <!--* Simple Controls Gallery- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use* Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more--> <div id="simplegallery1"><script type="text/javascript">var mygallery=new simpleGallery({wrapperid: "simplegallery1", //ID of main gallery container,dimensions: [1020, 600], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of the images exactlyimagearray: [["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/4.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/1.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/2.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/3.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/4.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/1.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/2.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/3.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/4.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/1.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/2.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/slider/3.png", "", "_new", ], ],autoplay: [true, 2500, 10], //[auto_play_boolean, delay_btw_slide_millisec, cycles_before_stopping_int]persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?fadeduration: 2000, //transition duration (milliseconds)oninit:function(){ //event that fires when gallery has initialized/ ready to run//Keyword "this": references current gallery instance (ie: try this.navigate("play/pause"))},onslide:function(curslide, i){ //event that fires after each slide is shown//Keyword "this": references current gallery instance//curslide: returns DOM reference to current slide DIV (ie: try alert(curslide.innerHTML)//i: integer reflecting current image within collection being shown (0=1st image, 1=2nd etc)}}) </script></div> </div> <!--end div slider--> <div id="logodinamic"><script type="text/javascript">var mygallery=new simpleGallery({wrapperid: "logodinamic", //ID of main gallery container,dimensions: [230, 125], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of the images exactlyimagearray: [["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log11.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log21.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log31.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log41.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log11.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log21.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log31.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log41.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log11.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log21.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log31.png", "", "_new", ],["http://wedub4u.com/images/textlogo/log41.png", "", "_new", ],],autoplay: [true, 2500, 10], //[auto_play_boolean, delay_btw_slide_millisec, cycles_before_stopping_int]persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?fadeduration: 2000, //transition duration (milliseconds)oninit:function(){ //event that fires when gallery has initialized/ ready to run//Keyword "this": references current gallery instance (ie: try this.navigate("play/pause"))},onslide:function(curslide, i){ //event that fires after each slide is shown//Keyword "this": references current gallery instance//curslide: returns DOM reference to current slide DIV (ie: try alert(curslide.innerHTML)//i: integer reflecting current image within collection being shown (0=1st image, 1=2nd etc)}}) </script></div>
  9. I created a web page in which the logo is a slide show that changes in color according to the picture that is on the main slide show. http://www.wedub4u.com/ But when the effect is lost if both slideshows don't start at the same time. And the first time the bigger slide show requires more time to preload the images. Any ideas in how to sync both slideshows so they start at the same time?
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