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Posts posted by ste

  1. the problem is not your css but in the htmlyou have not included the div with the id "container" in the html altough it is in the css <body><div id="container">content etc etc</div></body>

  2. and all the designs use the exact same html file, this shows people how you can take the same content and then style & organise it in limitless different ways with css which is one of the coolest things about modern webdesign.

  3. Is it possible to check for all those things (border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="108") and then hide the table element based on that?
    maybe with getElementByAttribute not sure tho
  4. i think its a great site. some real nice designs there and the way there all based on the same html file is cool. it really shows the advantage of coding properly with css. i think a few years back it made a big impact on getting a lot of us into css. im glad its back

  5. this displays the same for me in IE & FFnote: i have combined the css & html into one documenti would also suggest adding a doctype and working through the code so it validates properly but as it is it should display properly now

    <html><head><title>NTugo</title><style type="text/css">#body {text-align: center;}h1,h2,h3 {color: #449f00;font-family: Verdana;font-weight: bold;}h1 {font-size: 23px;}#navigation {text-align: center;float: left; /*Set to "left" or "right" to position menu accordingly*/border-bottom: 1px solid #449805;width: 980px;margin-bottom: 10px;}#navigation ul {	font-family: Verdana;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	text-decoration: none;	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	list-style:none;	}#navigation li {	display: inline;	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenbg.gif) repeat-x center top;	text-align: center;	padding: 0;	margin-right: 4px;		float: left;}#navigation a {	color: #663300;	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenleft.gif) no-repeat left top;	float: left;	margin:	0;	padding-left:7px;	text-decoration: none;}#navigation a:hover {	color: black;	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenleft.gif) no-repeat left top;	float: left;	margin:	0;	padding-left:7px;	text-decoration: none;}#navigation a span {	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenright.gif) no-repeat right top;	display: block;	padding:7px 13px 4px 5px;}#navigation a span {	float: none;}#dropmenudiv{position:absolute;border:1px solid black;border-bottom-width: 0;font:normal 12px Verdana;line-height:18px;z-index:100;}#dropmenudiv a{width: 100%;display: block;text-indent: 3px;border-bottom: 1px solid black;padding: 1px 0;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;color: black;}#dropmenudiv a:hover{ /*hover background color*/background-color: #e8f9af;color: black;}a:link {font: bold 13px arial; 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  6. its not floating correctly in IE. it could be that IE is picking up on some padding or margin that FF isnt which is making the floated column wider than the space for it in the container so, it drops down to the bottom. 1) you could get rid of all the default margins by adding the css* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}2) use condtional comments to make an IE specific style sheet in which the width of the right column is smaller 3) add overflow:hidden on the overall container (this should allow the elements within to float correctly but may cause some clipping of the content)

  7. im not very good with javascript but is there someway to apply a function to the element even if it doesnt have a name, id or class? if the parent element has an id? with childNodes or something? then you could maybe apply the css with javascript or by getElementByAttribute and use the height="108"

  8. can you post the html too please? try clearing the float after the menu it looks like something is floating to the left of the menu creating the extra space there

  9. nopeprobably best in this sitution to use nested tables. 1 table with 100% width & height and valign="middle" applied to the row & then the other table inside thatjust tested this and it works:

    <html><head><style type="text/css">table	{border: 1px dashed #ccc;}#container {width:100%;height:100%;}</style></head><body><table id="container"><tr valign="middle"><td><table><tr><td>test</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></body></html>

  10. If I am correct, I tried adding <script type="text/javascript"></script> at the beginning and the end of my web page.
    I'm still getting a blank screen when I put the <script="text/javascript"> at the beginning of the body and </script> at the end of the body. Can someone explain this a little more in detail.
    dont put it at the start & end of the body. put it in the head and define the functions in between the tags.Onmouseover & Onmouseout are Events these go in the body. these trigger the functions specified in the tags in the head of the documentread this and look at the demo: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmouseover.asphope this helps, ste
  11. its just a border on the link

    a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {color: #000; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed #bcb6aa; padding-bottom: 3px;}

  12. thanks murfitUK,ive tried the fixes for the guillotine bug & tried using the holly hack & neither of them seemed to work. i suppose i will just have to try all the hacks on that site.if anyone can identify the name of the bug im having trouble with that would save me a lot of timethanks,ste

  13. ok sorry about that ben3001 i got confused. ive re-read the topic abovein answer to your question did you get ripped off? its up to you to put a value on your work. i would only consider it being 'ripped off' if they didn't pay you the amount you invoiced them for.

  14. Hi Guys,Im currently working on a new design & Ive got a problem in IE6. (everything is as usual fine in Firefox)the xhtml & css both validate with no errors/warningsthe main content area seems to shrink and grow when you rollover the hyperlinks in itthis image illustrates the problem:problemqf5.gifthe test sites url : ecomireland.dsvr.co.uk/clients/patina_ltdi can't seem to figure out why this going on. any advice is appreciatedthanks in advance,ste

  15. here's an example of the code i usethe java script:

    function mouseover(){document.getElementById("productdisplay").className='productdisplayhover';}function mouseout(){document.getElementById("productdisplay").className='productdisplay';}

    the xhtml:

    <div id="productdisplay" class="productdisplay" onmouseover="mouseover()" onmouseout="mouseout()">bla bla</div>

    hope this helps :)

  16. it's really annoying that IE6 wont support :hover on anything but a link2 ways around this problem are:1) wrap the whole td in an <a> tag (the problem with this is that your page will not validate) 2) use javascript, just google "rollover div javascript" (problem here: small amount of users have javascript turned off )

  17. The image is not on a sever its on my computer within the same file as the html. Thanks.
    by this do you mean in the same folder? check that it isalso in your computer right click the image and click 'open with' then firefox or whatever your browser is to see if the file is corupt or wont open in your browser for whatever reason. make sure the file is actually a gif if that is how your refering to it in the html
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