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About gerit99

  • Birthday 04/22/1999

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  • Languages
    Javascript,HTML,(small bit PHP),CSS

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • Interests
    Programming games.

gerit99's Achievements


Newbie (1/7)



  1. Is it possible to search all MP3 files within a folder and put them in a big array to play them nicely on a browser site?
  2. gerit99


    posTop works too, somehow. That's how i have been scripting it. I also need to paste the important pieces in my script
  3. gerit99


    The problem is, there are no errors. Each keypress triggers this: var serverRequest=new XMLHttpRequest();function updatePlayerPosition(){serverRequest.open("GET","updatePositions.php?player=1&posTop="+document.getElementById('player').style.posTop+"&posLeft="+document.getElementById('player').style.posTop,true);serverRequest.send();} updatePositions.php <?PHP$player = $_GET["player"];$posTop = $_GET["posTop"];$posLeft = $_GET["posLeft"];mysql_query("UPDATE userplayers SET posTop=".$posTop.",posLeft=".$posLeft." WHERE playerID=".$player."");?> And still I see this: posTop | posLeft 300 | 300
  4. gerit99


    I've made a script but it doesn't work. I've tried alot of things but it doesn't work, and since I'm at school i can't show my script. I've used _GET to read the info, and then i updated it.
  5. gerit99


    Really? Wow... I'll take a look on how to use it.
  6. gerit99


    My idea is to create a game with PHP,Javascipt and AJAX. But I have some trouble with AJAX. I've read W3schools.com and other pages, but i couldn't figure how I could change a database each time you click a button.<---------- My character btw
  7. And how do i create the flags? Sorry i'm asking so much questions, it would be awesome if this finally worked!
  8. a special keycode combo
  9. you mean like move(1) or move(2)?
  10. How do you mean flagging?
  11. My uncle gave me that script so I could do thing with it. But i do not know how to create that script in any other way.
  12. function checkKeyPress(e){// Source from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html var targ; if (!e) var e=window.event; if (e.target) targ=e.target; // End source// alert(e.keyCode); switch(e.keyCode) {case 47: slowDown();break;case 119: playerFurther();break;case 115: playerBack();break; case 100: playerRight();break;case 97: playerLeft();break; case 87: playerFurther();break;case 83: playerBack();break; case 68: playerRight();break;case 65: playerLeft();break;case 37:playerFurther();break; case 38:playerLeft();break; case 39:playerBack();break; case 40:playerRight();break; default: //return false; } return true; }I already have the functions.
  13. If you create a game using javascript, and you want him to walk forward and walk to the right at the same time, you need to do W,D,W,D,W,D,W,D,W,D,W,D but i would like to create it so you could do them together at the same moment. That doesn't work for my script!
  14. I mean on the same time
  15. Is it possible to create that you can use 2 keycodes at the same moment? Like W to walk forward while turning left using another function?
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