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Everything posted by madness

  1. I just need it for firefox. In for loop I have a link that is made from element of one series. While I enter elements, they are stored in one series. "i" is the index of every element so I need to open first window with link that have first element, second window that contains second element. In last robot post my windows are opening with delay but it opens "i" times with last element in series, since for pass all elements before any window is open.
  2. Its almost that, just it opens last element in "i" series "i" times.
  3. I think this will also not help me. I have exactly this: for (i=1;i<name.length-1;i++){win[i]=window.open(some link+i);} If I put calling of first function in this topic, pausecomp function, into for loop all works fine, but freezes firefox. I need something to make pause between opening this windows, but windows need to have index of i.
  4. than what will help me out there? anyone have an idea how to pause loop or give the function doSomething to do something and not freeze the firefox?
  5. I tried it with setTimeout function in this second example but this doesn't work, it execute whole FOR loop without pause or delay, don't know why.
  6. I need some wait function for javascript executed by firefox. I tried to use this function pausecomp(ms) {ms += new Date().getTime();while (new Date() < ms){}} but firefox freezes every time. After this I made something like var a;for loop{a=0; executing somethingdoSomething();}doSomething(){if (a!=1){ a=1; var delay = Math.floor((Math.random()*5000)+1000); t=setTimeout("doSomething()",delay); }else return;} but this do not work. It just execute FOR loop without any delay. I need something that enter random wait time in FOR loop.
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