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Posts posted by haruncpi

  1. First of all, I'd ask for the old password before changing to a new one. If somebody hi-jacks the session they can lock a user out of their own account. You should read the SQL tutorial, the answer to your question is there. In fact, the answer is even in the PHP tutorial.
    user can recover his password by email. so i wanna just now how to change password in users active sessions time.with the condition which i had described in my post. please help me how will it be.
  2. I have a login script in my site. After login in a user i wanna a user can change his password. So i added two input box and a submit button. newpassconfirmpass condition: if($newpass=$confirmpass){ what will be sql code for update his password. } Please any body help me. I am no expert in php and sql.

  3. So then output the Javascript code to make it do that. Instead of printing "wrong", print the Javascript code. If the code you showed is on a different page then you're talking about submitting the form using ajax and handling the response with Javascript.
    Would you give me an example please?
  4. You can use the header function to send a location header to redirect the user, but if you do that you can't output any message first. If you want to show a page and redirect after a few seconds then you output a regular HTML page with your message on it and use either a meta tag or some Javascript code to do the refresh after a certain time. If you search for those terms you'll find the information about how to use them. The case if they are wrong is the same, just output a regular HTML page with whatever Javascript code you want to show the alert.
    Tnx for quick response. Actually i wanna if the if condition false it will give a alert box in same page i mean login.php page.
  5. I have a login function in my site.I have used

    if($count==1){$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); print ("login success");}else{print ("wrong!");}

    I wanna if the If condition true it will give a success msg and redirect the previous page. Else it will show a login wrong message with javascript alert box with ok button. How can i do it? please help me anybody.......

  6. where's your code? What problem are you having trouble with?
    <?phpsession_start();if(isset($_SESSION['a']))echo $row['name'];elseheader("location:b.php"); ?>

    it nothing happend

  7. I have a login function in my site http://www.learn24bd.com. In my database every register member has their data, Like name,e-mail,etc. At the time of login user needs to put his/her email and password.I wanna if a user login successfully, a message will display on login success page Welcome (The name which has saved in my database in name field) Example: Welcome MD.Harun-Ur-Rashid Please any body help me.

  8. What i have to do in the if true part for redirecting a user that place where he/she wanted to visit before login?

    if($count==1){// store session data$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);//echo $row['name'];$_SESSION['harun']= $row['email'] ;//print $row['name'] . "Thanks, Redirecting";header( "location:member_login_success.php");}else {//echo "Wrong Username or Password";//print "Wrong Username or Password";header("location:member_login_wrong.php");

  9. instant redirectheader("location:http://yourpage.com") timed redirect after 5 seconds to specified url. works like meta redirectheader("refresh:5;url=http://yourpage.com"); http://php.net/header
    in the site there are a lot of pages. so i can not fixed url because i don't know user which page wanted to visit.? at a time indivitual user might be visit indivitual page. so i have use a function which redirect user
  10. in my site i made a login system. i create session for special pages. that pages can see only registered member. in my login system when a user login succesfully it shows a succeslog.php page else wrnglog.php page. but after login succesfully user don't get that page which page he/she wanted to see before login. my question is after login successfully how to i will redirect a user on that page which page he/she wanted to visit before login? would any body help me please?

  11. I have a page a create a command box. I wanna when a visitor click on this command box it will redirect the last 2 page i mean (-2) page. Please any body help me to do this task.

  12. I have a page.In my page create a command box. I wanna when a visitor click on this command box it will redirect the last 2 page i mean (-2) page. Please any body help me to do this task.

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