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Background image without beeing a background image?


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Hey i have a small problem. On my front page i have a image with some glow effects to make the textfields loock cooler. But i forgot that when i use the image as table bg image resize destroys the cool effects and the textfields goes where they want to. So if anyone can help me sort this out it whould be glad.Heres the code :

<table width="65%"  border="0" align="center" cellspacing="1">  <tr>	<th height="503" bordercolor="#0A0629" background="nyuwmfront.jpg" scope="col"><table width="98%"  border="0" cellspacing="1">	  <tr>		<th scope="col"> </th>	  </tr>	  <tr>		<td height="157"><table width="91%"  border="0" cellspacing="1">		  <tr>			<th width="28%" rowspan="3" scope="col"> </th>			<th width="40%" height="167" scope="col"> </th>			<th width="32%" scope="col"> </th>		  </tr>		  <tr>			<td height="41" colspan="2"><form name="form1" method="post" action="">			  <table width="91%" cellspacing="1" bordercolor="#000000">				<tr>				  <th width="40%" height="23" scope="col"><input name="usersid" type="text" value="" size="30" maxlength="30"></th>				  <th width="3%" scope="col"> </th>				  <th width="57%" scope="col"><input name="userspa" type="password" size="30" maxlength="30"></th>				</tr>				<tr>				  <td colspan="3"><div align="center">					<table width="92%" align="center" cellspacing="1">					  <tr>						<th width="40%" scope="col"> </th>						<th width="60%" scope="col"><div align="left">						  <input type="submit" name="innnnn" value="Login">						</div></th>					  </tr>					</table>				  </div></td>				  </tr>			  </table>			</form>			  </td>			</tr>		  <tr>			<td> </td>			<td> </td>		  </tr>		</table></td>	  </tr>	</table></th>  </tr></table>

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This article shows how to add PNG dropshadows to images. A similar logic may be used for form fields.To sum the things up, you have to enclose the object in several elements, each with a different background image.
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