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Frames with <body> tag


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The HTML Frames tutorial, says this:

Important: You cannot use the <body></body> tags together with the <frameset></frameset> tags!
If I do that, the background color or image disappears once i don't include the frames into the <body> tag... What can I do or what did I understand wrong?10x,Xtazy
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One more question, what code do I have to write to have something like this ( http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...rame_navigation ) and instead of frame a,b,c, to have google, yahoo and w3schools?this one didn't work:

<html><frameset cols="120,*"><frame src="tryhtml_contents.htm"><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Google</a><br><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Yahoo</a><br><a href ="http://w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a><br><frame src="http://www.google.ro/" name="showframe"></frameset></html>

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<html><frameset cols="120,*"><frame src="http://www.google.ro/"><frame src="http://www.yahoo.com/"><frame src="http://w3schools.com/"></frameset></html>

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Sorry, I left your cols specification in there. Try this:

<html><frameset cols="33%,33%,34%"><frame src="http://www.google.ro/"><frame src="http://www.yahoo.com/"><frame src="http://w3schools.com/"></frameset></html>

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Ah, I understand what you are asking now. You have to look at the source of the left-hand frame in that example:http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryhtml_contents.htmYou'll need two files:Frame file:

<html><frameset cols="33%,*"><frame src="mynavpage.html"><frame src="http://www.google.ro/" name="showframe"></frameset></html>


<html><body><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Google</a><br><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Yahoo</a><br><a href ="http://www.w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a></body></html>

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Yeah, I know...and what's the final code? Something like:

<html><frameset cols="33%,*"><frame src="mynavpage.html"><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Google</a><br><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Yahoo</a><br><a href ="http://www.w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a><frame src="http://www.google.ro/" name="showframe"></frameset></html>

..or what?

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This one?

<html><frameset cols="33%,*"><frame src="mynavpage.html"><frame src="http://www.google.ro/" name="showframe"></frameset></html><html><body><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Google</a><br><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Yahoo</a><br><a href ="http://www.w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a></body></html>

I've tried it but on the left panel says " The page cannot bla bla bla"

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using the code jesh provided make a file and call it frameset.html and put the following code in it.

<html><frameset cols="33%,*"><frame src="mynavpage.html"><frame src="http://www.google.ro/" name="showframe"></frameset></html>

Then make another file and call it mynavpage.html and put the following code in it

<html><body><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Google</a><br><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Yahoo</a><br><a href ="http://www.w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a></body></html>

Now load frameset.html in your browser....presto :)

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I didn't do nothing...I just wanna try few things before i start building my site...but i've created a short code:

<html><head><title>Welcome to my Rocky Site</title><style type="text/css">h1 {font-family: arial}p {color: white}p {font-size: 130%}p {text-align: center}text {position: relative; top: 10px; bottom: 100px; left: 100px; right: 100px}text {color: white}form {color: white}</style></head><body bgcolor="black"><font color="red"><center><img src="http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/2648/rockysitegoodke6.jpg"></center></font><p>Welcome to my Rocky Site! Enjoy!</p><ul><li><a href ="http://www.google.ro/" target ="showframe">Home</a><br></li><li><a href ="http://www.yahoo.com/" target ="showframe">Gallery</a><br></li><li><a href ="http://www.w3schools.com/" target ="showframe">W3Schools</a></li></ul><form action="MAILTO:someone@w3schools.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain"><h3>Send us a mail.</h3>Name:<br><input type="text" name="name"value="yourname" size="20"><br>Mail:<br><input type="text" name="mail"value="yourmail" size="20"><br>Comment:<br><input type="text" name="comment"value="yourcomment" size="40"><br><br><input type="submit" value="Send"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></form><br><br>Which?<form action="http://www.google.ro/" method="post"><select><option>1<option>2<option>3</select><br><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form><text>How are you?</text></body></html>

It's an old code...And instead of google, yahoo and w3schools, i want www.mypage.com/gallery , www.mypage.com/contact and www.mypage.ro/home ...How can i modify gallery, home and contact pages?

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Ok, outdating was maybe not the word, lol, not my fault our English-teacher can't teach us English :)I mean that framesets is something that's going to be gone in not too long, because they ######. I could sit here all night long to make a list over the bad things, and do not reply with the message "It'll go faster to change design instead of doing it on all sides". Although that's true, you can do something similar with the GET tag in PHP. Like I do at my personal Web site (http://www.andersmoen.hotserv.dk) if you go there, and you'll see the url andersmoen.hotserv.dk/index.php?side=1 or maybe index.php?side=4 after what you're at, that's the best :)

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Hey, until now i know only html and some css...I just try some things before i pass and get to the others languages. After i'll be learning, i'll create a site. And maybe then i'll not use framesets. But for my knowledge since now, framesets are the only things i can use....

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