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Ctrl+Key Detection


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Hey guys. =)I'm writing a rich text editor (it's almost done. :)) but I was hoping to add some advanced functionality and execute the bold command if you click ctrl+b and the italic command if you press ctrl+i, and so on. But I don't know how to do that. =[i found a code that does detect those on blogger (their rich text editor has the functionality) but I don't want to steal it.Here it is, if it helps you:http://www.blogger.com/app/scripts/event.keypress.jsCan you help me a bit? I know how to detect regular presses, but control presses along with it... :/

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I don't think detecting the control key is a good idea. It's very easy to get in conflict with an actual program shortcut.Can't you just use plain access keys? You know, the accesskey attribute?

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True. But I don't want to use access keys---they wont exactly add what I'm really looking for.Maybe I could require the user to press an obscure short cut---or, if they press control twice and then a key, it'll add that formatting? =)

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I have a better idea. Detect if a key that otherwise doesn't have an effect is pressed. A replacement for CTRL that is. For example DEL. Imagine the combos DEL-B, DEL-I. I would have suggested INS, but INS has it's own effect of changing the overwrite mode, so it's not a good idea either.Pressing CTRL once or twice in a row + a letter might be a good idea too, but I have no idea how would you implement that.

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Check out this page, Choco: http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/event_ctrlkey.asp
e = (e) ? e : window.event;var keycode = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode;if(e.ctrlKey && keycode == 13){   alert("CTRL-ENTER was typed!");}

Well, the problem is I can't detect more than one key with that. :/
Pressing CTRL once or twice in a row + a letter might be a good idea too, but I have no idea how would you implement that.
What I could do is the moment the ctrl key is pressed, I could set a timer for about 1 second and if the key is pressed again in that time (I'd keep a while running, keeping check on the window events, and when the timer goes off, set a variable which ends the while) then set another timer the same way and look for another key. Then store that key and perform the action.But would that work? :/
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You could set a variable to keep track of whether CTRL is pressed and check it when you look for what key is being pressed:

var isCtrl = e.ctrlKeyswitch(keycode){	case 48: // b		if(isCtrl)			 // make bold!		break;	case 23: // i		if(isCtrl)			// make italic!		break;}

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You could set a variable to keep track of whether CTRL is pressed and check it when you look for what key is being pressed:
var isCtrl = e.ctrlKeyswitch(keycode){	case 48: // b		if(isCtrl)			 // make bold!		break;	case 23: // i		if(isCtrl)			// make italic!		break;}

No matter what I do, that code doesn't work. Why not? =[
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just a note choco. That code I gave you a while back already works with CTRL+B, etc...except in Firefox...Firefox already has shortcuts setup on CTRL+B and some other common formatting combos (stupid if you ask me) so I don't know if your key press detection could override that or if Firefox functiosn take precidence. Might be better to come up with your own combos, I like the CRTL, CTRL, B idea.

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Looks like I used a wrong reference for the keycodes, sorry!I put this in the Tryit editor and it worked for both IE and Firefox - it even, because of the return falses - overwrites the default behavior for things like CTRL-B and CTRL-I.I hope it helps!

<html><head><script>function test(e){  e = (e) ? e : window.event;  var keycode = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode;  var ctrl = e.ctrlKey  if(ctrl)  {    switch(keycode)    {      case 66:  //b        document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = "BOLD!";        return false;        break;      case 73:  //i        document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = "ITALIC!";        return false;        break;      default:         document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = keycode;        break;    }  }  else  {    document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = keycode;  }}document.onkeydown = test;</script></head><body>  <div id="div"></div></body></html>

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Hey, thanks! That works pretty well.But when I click inside my rich text editing area, it doesn't register ctrl+b or ctrl+i, and if I click it outside, it still opens the bookmarks section. I think it will only work if it's in a frame, and that's slightly inconvenient.Any other ideas?By the way, you can see what I have here:http://www.seekond.com/scripts/richtext.html

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Rather than registering test as an event handler for the keydown event on the document ( document.onkeydown = test; ) try registering it for the keydown event for your ricttext element. This way, if someone has focus on the area outside of the editor and clicks CTRL-B to open his/her bookmarks window, it'll still let him/her.Without looking too deeply at your code, maybe rather than:

document.onkeydown = test;

You might try something like:

document.getElementById(iframe.id).contentDocument.onkeydown = test;

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Rather than registering test as an event handler for the keydown event on the document ( document.onkeydown = test; ) try registering it for the keydown event for your ricttext element. This way, if someone has focus on the area outside of the editor and clicks CTRL-B to open his/her bookmarks window, it'll still let him/her.Without looking too deeply at your code, maybe rather than:
document.onkeydown = test;

You might try something like:

document.getElementById(iframe.id).contentDocument.onkeydown = test;

Thanks so much! I tried that, but I forgot the contentDocument part, so nothing worked. I'll try it again. =)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Stuff like Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I is detected automatically bye IE and FF I believe

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That would happen even if you DO put the seperate [Ctrl] key detection

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That would happen even if you DO put the seperate [Ctrl] key detection
No, because you could return false when the key is pressed and tell the browser not to open the sidebar.
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oh...I did not know that could be done..sorry for that :)

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  • 3 months later...

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