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Changing a perl script to PHP


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hello everyone,I have been stuck on this assignment for ages and would be very gratefull if anybody could help me or point me in the right direction. I have been trying for ages but not having much luck. Thank you for any help received.#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse CGI':standard';use CGI::Carp "fatalsToBrowser";use DBI;sub err(){print "Error in @_[0] field - @_[1]";print "</BODY> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"white\">";exit;}print header;print "<HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"white\">";$PRICE=param('PRICE');$BEDROOMS=param('BEDROOMS');$COMMENTS=param('COMMENTS');$LOCATION=param('LOCATION');$PROPTYPE=param('PROPTYPE');$NAME=param('NAME');$TELEPHONE=param('TELEPHONE');$EMAIL=param('EMAIL');if(($PRICE !~ /\A\d+\Z/) || ($PRICE>1000000 || $PRICE<0)){&err("PRICE",$PRICE);}if(($BEDROOMS !~ m/\A\d+\Z/) || ($BEDROOMS>10 || $BEDROOMS<1)){&err("BEDROOMS",$BEDROOMS);}if($COMMENTS !~ m/\w|/){&err("COMMENTS",$COMMENTS);}if($LOCATION !~ m/London|Manchester|Coventry|Leeds/i ){&err("LOCATION",$LOCATION);}if($PROPTYPE !~ m/Freehold|Leasehold/i ){&err("PROPTYPE",$PROPTYPE);}if($NAME !~/\A[a-z]+\Z/i){&err("NAME",$NAME);}if($TELEPHONE !~ m/\A\d+\Z/i){&err("TELEPHONE",$TELEPHONE);}if($EMAIL !~/\A[a-z]+\@[a-z]+\Z/i){&err("EMAIL",$EMAIL);}if($PROPTYPE eq "FREEHOLD"){$PROPTYPE="F"};if($PROPTYPE eq "LEASEHOLD"){$PROPTYPE="L"};print "<H1> Search Matches <H1>";$query=qq(SELECT * FROM houses where BEDROOMS>='$BEDROOMS' AND PRICE<='$PRICE' AND LOCATION='$LOCATION' AND PROPTYPE='$PROPTYPE');$user='';$pass='';$dbh=DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=staffkeithy;host=possum',$user,$pass) or die "Can't connect to database";$sth=$dbh->prepare($query);$sth->execute;if($sth->rows>0){print "<table border=\"1\"> ";print "<tr> <td> Price </td> <td> Bedrooms</td> <td>Comments </td> </tr>";while(@result=$sth->fetchrow_array){print " <tr> <td> £ $result[0] </td> <td> $result[1] </td> <td> $result[2] </td> \n";}print "</table>";}else{print "No Searches found\n";}$sth->finish;$dbh->disconnect;

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For the error sub, the main difference is that in PHP a sub is a function.

function err($name, $val){  print "Error in {$name} field - {$val}";  print "</BODY> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"white\">"; //why do you do this?  exit();}

For the "print header" line, you can just leave that out, PHP will send the headers automatically. For the lines like this:$PRICE=param('PRICE');You will need to use either $_GET or $_POST, depending on how this is set up. I don't see a form anywhere, but this looks like a script to handle a database search, so it will probably use POST. So the equivalent of the line above would be this:$PRICE = $_POST['PRICE'];The validation lines are all using regular expressions, so they look a little confusing. But in reality it's not that bad.

//if(($PRICE !~ /\A\d+\Z/) || ($PRICE>1000000 || $PRICE<0)){&err("PRICE",$PRICE);}if(!is_numeric($PRICE) || ($PRICE>1000000 || $PRICE<0)) { err("PRICE",$PRICE); }//if(($BEDROOMS !~ m/\A\d+\Z/) || ($BEDROOMS>10 || $BEDROOMS<1)){&err("BEDROOMS",$BEDROOMS);}if(!is_numeric($BEDROOMS) || ($BEDROOMS>10 || $BEDROOMS<1)) { err("BEDROOMS",$BEDROOMS); }//if($COMMENTS !~ m/\w|/){&err("COMMENTS",$COMMENTS);}if($COMMENTS == "") { err("COMMENTS",$COMMENTS); }//if($LOCATION !~ m/London|Manchester|Coventry|Leeds/i ){&err("LOCATION",$LOCATION);}if(!(!strcasecmp($LOCATION, "London") || !strcasecmp($LOCATION, "Manchester") || !strcasecmp($LOCATION, "Coventry") || !strcasecmp($LOCATION, "Leeds"))) { err("LOCATION",$LOCATION); }//if($PROPTYPE !~ m/Freehold|Leasehold/i ){&err("PROPTYPE",$PROPTYPE);}if(!(!strcasecmp($PROPTYPE, "FREEHOLD") || !strcasecmp($PROTOTYPE, "LEASEHOLD"))) { err("PROPTYPE",$PROPTYPE); }//if($NAME !~/\A[a-z]+\Z/i) {&err("NAME",$NAME);}if(!preg_match("/\\A[a-z]+\\Z/i", $NAME) { err("NAME",$NAME); }//if($TELEPHONE !~ m/\A\d+\Z/i) {&err("TELEPHONE",$TELEPHONE);}if(!is_numeric($TELEPHONE)) { err("TELEPHONE",$TELEPHONE); }//if($EMAIL !~/\A[a-z]+\@[a-z]+\Z/i){&err("EMAIL",$EMAIL);}if(!preg_match("/\\A[a-z]+\\@[a-z]+\\Z/i", $EMAIL) { err("EMAIL",$EMAIL); }

These type of lines are pretty straightforward:if($PROPTYPE eq "FREEHOLD"){$PROPTYPE="F"};becomesif($PROPTYPE == "FREEHOLD"){$PROPTYPE="F"};The database works a little differently. But since it's using MySQL it would look like this:old:

$query=qq(SELECT * FROM houses where BEDROOMS>='$BEDROOMS' AND PRICE<='$PRICE' AND LOCATION='$LOCATION' AND PROPTYPE='$PROPTYPE');$user='';$pass='';$dbh=DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=staffkeithy;host=possum',$user,$pass) or die "Can't connect to database";$sth=$dbh->prepare($query);$sth->execute;


$query="SELECT * FROM houses where BEDROOMS>='" . intval($BEDROOMS) . "' AND PRICE<='" . intval($PRICE) . "' AND LOCATION='$LOCATION' AND PROPTYPE='$PROPTYPE'";$user='';$pass='';mysql_connect("possum",$user,$pass) or die ("Can't connect to database");mysql_select_db("staffkeithy");$sth = mysql_query($query);

Since $sth is now a result set instead of an object, this line:if($sth->rows>0)changes to this:if(mysql_num_rows($sth) > 0)And then this:while(@result=$sth->fetchrow_array){becomes this:while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sth)){And then it would be better, although not necessary, to change this:print " <tr> <td> £ $result[0] </td> <td> $result[1] </td> <td> $result[2] </td> \n";to this:print " <tr> <td> £ {$result[0]} </td> <td> {$result[1]} </td> <td> {$result[2]} </td> \n";And then these last two lines:$sth->finish;$dbh->disconnect;You can pretty much leave out because PHP will do garbage collection on the database automatically, but if you want you can throw in this:mysql_free_result($sth);mysql_close();But, like I said, if the script ends PHP will automatically do that.

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