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php verification page


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I have a php verification / landing verification / image verification page. It worked fine before,Now i get this error after uploading and I dont see the image.Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open 'images/b804e0.png' for writing in /home/megax/public_html/include/functions.php on line 114What would be wrong?

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Could you please show line 114

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<?phpfunction standardheader($title) {?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head>   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />   <title><?php echo $title; ?></title></head><body><?php}function stdfoot() {?></body><html><?php}  class ocr_captcha {    var $key;       // ultra private static text    var $long;      // size of text    var $lx;        // width of picture    var $ly;        // height of picture    var $nb_noise;  // nb of background noisy characters    var $filename;  // file of captcha picture stored on disk    var $imagetype="png"; // can also be "png";    var $public_key;    // public key    var $font_file="./include/adlibn.ttf";    function ocr_captcha($long=6,$lx=120,$ly=30,$nb_noise=25) {      $this->key=md5("A nicely little text to stay private and use for generate private key");      $this->long=$long;      $this->lx=$lx;      $this->ly=$ly;      $this->nb_noise=$nb_noise;      $this->public_key=substr(md5(uniqid(rand(),true)),0,$this->long); // generate public key with entropy    }    function get_filename($public="") {      if ($public=="")        $public=$this->public_key;      return "images/".$public.".".$this->imagetype;    }    // generate the private text coming from the public text, using $this->key (not to be public!!), all you have to do is here to change the algorithm    function generate_private($public="") {      if ($public=="")        $public=$this->public_key;      return substr(md5($this->key.$public),16-$this->long/2,$this->long);    }    // check if the public text is link to the private text    function check_captcha($public,$private) {      // when check, destroy picture on disk      if (file_exists($this->get_filename($public)))        unlink($this->get_filename($public));      return (strtolower($private)==strtolower($this->generate_private($public)));    }    // display a captcha picture with private text and return the public text    function make_captcha($noise=true) {      $private_key = $this->generate_private();      $image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->lx,$this->ly);      $back=ImageColorAllocate($image,intval(rand(224,255)),intval(rand(224,255)),intval(rand(224,255)));      ImageFilledRectangle($image,0,0,$this->lx,$this->ly,$back);      if ($noise) { // rand characters in background with random position, angle, color        for ($i=0;$i<$this->nb_noise;$i++) {          $size=intval(rand(6,14));          $angle=intval(rand(0,360));          $x=intval(rand(10,$this->lx-10));          $y=intval(rand(0,$this->ly-5));          $color=imagecolorallocate($image,intval(rand(160,224)),intval(rand(160,224)),intval(rand(160,224)));          $text=chr(intval(rand(45,250)));          ImageTTFText ($image,$size,$angle,$x,$y,$color,$this->font_file,$text);        }      }      else { // random grid color        for ($i=0;$i<$this->lx;$i+=10) {          $color=imagecolorallocate($image,intval(rand(160,224)),intval(rand(160,224)),intval(rand(160,224)));          imageline($image,$i,0,$i,$this->ly,$color);        }        for ($i=0;$i<$this->ly;$i+=10) {          $color=imagecolorallocate($image,intval(rand(160,224)),intval(rand(160,224)),intval(rand(160,224)));          imageline($image,0,$i,$this->lx,$i,$color);        }      }      // private text to read      for ($i=0,$x=5; $i<$this->long;$i++) {        $r=intval(rand(0,128));        $g=intval(rand(0,128));        $b=intval(rand(0,128));        $color = ImageColorAllocate($image, $r,$g,$;        $shadow= ImageColorAllocate($image, $r+128, $g+128, $b+128);        $size=intval(rand(12,17));        $angle=intval(rand(-30,30));        $text=strtoupper(substr($private_key,$i,1));        ImageTTFText($image,$size,$angle,$x+2,26,$shadow,$this->font_file,$text);        ImageTTFText($image,$size,$angle,$x,24,$color,$this->font_file,$text);        $x+=$size+2;      }      if ($this->imagetype=="jpg")        imagejpeg($image, $this->get_filename(), 100);      else        imagepng($image, $this->get_filename());      ImageDestroy($image);    }    function display_captcha($noise=true) {      $this->make_captcha($noise);      $res="<input type=hidden name='public_key' value='".$this->public_key."'>\n";            $res.="<img align=middle src='".$this->get_filename()."' border='0'>\n";      return $res;    }  }?>

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You expect us to count till 114? Is there something very obvious that I am missing here?

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This is the error message:

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open 'images/b804e0.png' for writing in /home/megax/public_html/include/functions.php on line 114
It can't create the image file to write to. Either it would not have permission to do this or the path is incorrect, if permissions were the problem I think it would specify that. I suspect the path because it might be trying to open a file in a folder called images inside the include folder, and I'm thinking the images and include folders are parallel, not nested. There is a function in the captcha class called get_filename that looks like this:
function get_filename($public="") {	  if ($public=="")		$public=$this->public_key;	  return "images/".$public.".".$this->imagetype;	}

Change this function to return the absolute path instead of a relative path. That would make it like this:

function get_filename($public="") {	  if ($public=="")		$public=$this->public_key;	  return "/home/megax/public_html/images/".$public.".".$this->imagetype;	}

Reply back if that works.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is the error message:It can't create the image file to write to. Either it would not have permission to do this or the path is incorrect, if permissions were the problem I think it would specify that. I suspect the path because it might be trying to open a file in a folder called images inside the include folder, and I'm thinking the images and include folders are parallel, not nested. There is a function in the captcha class called get_filename that looks like this:
function get_filename($public="") {	  if ($public=="")		$public=$this->public_key;	  return "images/".$public.".".$this->imagetype;	}

Change this function to return the absolute path instead of a relative path. That would make it like this:

function get_filename($public="") {	  if ($public=="")		$public=$this->public_key;	  return "/home/megax/public_html/images/".$public.".".$this->imagetype;	}

Reply back if that works.

thanks alot justsomeguy .. you are always informative..it worked fine when I set 777 permissions to "images" folder but I know it is not safe!I will try your codings and let you know
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