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check a checkbox


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Is there a way I can check a checkbox when I only know part of the name? For example I could have many checkboxes and they would all start with "email_" and then the username. I have a query to populate this checkbox. I can't have the form processing done after the query since when the page is reloaded it'll still show the records before I update. This is an approval all function which I send an email to all users approved. So what I want is when I press Approve All that all checkboxes are checked with javascript. This page is done in coldfusion if you know of another way of doing this let me know.EDIT: Please delete this post. I found the answer.

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I had a similar situation where I needed to check the end of the control name, it was complicated by the fact that using Infragistics controls, they prepend a whole bunch of stuff to the control name as well. Here is one way:

function CheckCheckBoxes()	{		re = new RegExp("^email_")				e = new Enumerator(form1.elements)		for (;!e.atEnd();e.moveNext())		   		{			x = e.item();			if (x.name.match(re))				{				// form element found matching the name "email_" at the beginning			}		}	}

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I could've used regexp but it was way simpler. The names were all the same, only the value was different. So I used a script to check them all before the form reloaded. Works great :)

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After some searching around to see why I didn't know about the Enumerator object in javascript, I discovered that it isn't part of javascript. It's part of Microsoft's JScript so it'll only work in IE.Another way to do what aalbetski posted could be like this:

function CheckCheckBoxes(){	var re = new RegExp("^email_");	var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");	var input;	for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)	{		input = inputs[i];		if(input.type == "checkbox")		{			if(input.id.match(re))			{				input.checked = true;				break;			}		}			}}

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