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html closing tag function


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Hi guys,I just find out about the function: substr($VAR, 0, 100). It's a cool function for news but limited to plain text.My problem is that it can mess the code and/or the validation when using it with BBcode and I would like to know if there is a way to keep the text shortned and having a the code in good condition. I've looked on php.net and browsed on google and didn't find anything useful.If there is nothing I can do about it then I will just add a textarea in the news form for the brief presentation of the news.Thank you for your idea

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substr is a string function. All it does is return part of a string. It doesn't look at anything with regard to the content of the string, like whether or not it contains HTML tags. That's not what PHP does, this function is simply for taking a substring out of a given string. If you want to take HTML tags into account, then you need to search for the tags yourself and make sure you aren't breaking anything. Or you can also use the striptags function to remove all tags.

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What I thought I could use the function to make the text of the news shorter in an home page but the news contain BBcode in it so it won't be a good idea in this purpose. I will use my second idea to do that then.Thank you :)

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