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username/password CASE SENSATIVITY


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When you check it do this to both variables that you are checking against:strtolower("word" or $variable) == strtolower("word" or $variable)All it does is convert it all to lowercase.

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When you check it do this to both variables that you are checking against:strtolower("word" or $variable) == strtolower("word" or $variable)All it does is convert it all to lowercase.
i thought about this, would that make it if they typed their name in as: JoHn they will be logged in as: john ?iwas wondering if there was a way that they can register as: joHN and sign in as JohN or JOHNand it will display however they type it???does that make any sence?
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Yes, since you only use it in the if statement, it does not apply lowercase permanently to it. As long as you dont do something like $name = strtolower($name); it will have the same case.

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Yes, since you only use it in the if statement, it does not apply lowercase permanently to it. As long as you dont do something like $name = strtolower($name); it will have the same case.
ahh i think I understand how itworks :) thanks for the information
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