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check if input fields are blank


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how can I check if input fields are blank, and if they are stop the code on the page from executing?okay well i figured out if ($username == null) {echo "null";} actually I am not sure if the above code actually works.. i thought it did at first but I filled in the fields and it still said nullwhat is the code to kill all the code execution below that?

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I put this, it seemed to work..but then when I fill the username field it still exits the code below

if (empty($user_name)){exit('(*) Required fields');} else if (!preg_match('{[0-9a-zA-Z]}', $user_name)) {echo "Username may only contain letters and numbers";} else if ($user_pw != $user_pw2) {echo "Password fields did non match";} else if ($user_email != $user_email2) {echo "Email fields did not match";} else if ($user_check > 0) {echo "Username already exists";} else if ($email_check > 0) {echo "Email address is being used already";}

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this won't even workif (empty($user_name)){echo "null username field";} else {echo "not null";}when it is empty it will echo "null username field"but when I fill in the username field it says the same message.. it will not execute the else

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oh wow.. it was suposed to be $username = $_POST['user_name']haha...it works like this even if (!$username) {echo "null";} else { echo "not null";I have 1 more question.. how can I check for multiple variables?nevermind it works like this if (!$user_name or !$user_pw) {echo "null";} else { echo "not null";

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empty() is easy to use.Just put it under the ...variables like this:

$var1 = $_POST['input_one'];$var2 = $_POST['input_two'];if (empty($var1) || empty($var2)) {echo 'Please fill out all fields!';die('');}

I think you got it above, but I don't have time to read the whole thread now (Norway's birthday and it's boring :))

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You may also want to use trim() to trim off the whitespace on the right and left sides. Just to make sure they dont put in a bunch of spaces.

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All leading and/or trailing whitespaces will be removed. Ex:

$str1 = '	abcdef   ';$str2 = "\t   qwerty\n\t ";echo '_' . trim( $str1 ) . "_\n";echo '_' . trim( $str2 ) . '_';---- WILL OUTPUT: -----_abcdef__qwerty_

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