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Rounded Corners: Best Way


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I'm confused. I'm using this code:

<style type="text/css">#maintable h1, #maintable h2, #maintable p {margin:0 10px; letter-spacing:1px;}#maintable h1 {font-size:2.5em; color:#fff;}#maintable h2 {font-size:2em;color:#06c; border:0;}#maintable p {padding-bottom:0.5em;}#maintable h2 {padding-top:0.5em;}#maintable {background: transparent; margin:1em;}.xtop, .xbottom {display:block; background:transparent; font-size:1px;}.xb1, .xb2, .xb3, .xb4 {display:block; overflow:hidden;}.xb1, .xb2, .xb3 {height:1px;}.xb2, .xb3, .xb4 {background:#fff; border-left:1px solid #08c; border-right:1px solid #08c;}.xb1 {margin:0 5px; background:#08c;}.xb2 {margin:0 3px; border-width:0 2px;}.xb3 {margin:0 2px;}.xb4 {height:2px; margin:0 1px;}.forumcontent {display:block; background:#fff; border:0 solid #08c; border-width:0 1px;}</style><br /><br /><div id="maintable"><strong class="xtop"><strong class="xb1"></strong><strong class="xb2"></strong><strong class="xb3"></strong><strong class="xb4"></strong></strong><div class="forumcontent"></div><strong class="xbottom"><strong class="xb4"></strong><strong class="xb3"></strong><strong class="xb2"></strong><strong class="xb1"></strong></strong></div>

And now I want to define the cellpadding and the cellspacing. How? :)

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.forumcontent {margin:0px; padding:15px;display:block; background:#fff; border:0 solid #08c; border-width:0 1px;}-- just added margin:0px; padding:15px; to this class[side note: too much work for rounded corners - I think they are over rated]:)

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.forumcontent {margin:0px; padding:15px;display:block; background:#fff; border:0 solid #08c; border-width:0 1px;}-- just added margin:0px; padding:15px; to this class[side note: too much work for rounded corners - I think they are over rated] :)
I agree. If I wanted to have rounded corners on my pages I would use images.
And wich is the best method? :)
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And wich is the best method? :)
It's like anything else, it depends on the situation. Sometimes the best way is to set up a 3x3 table where the outside cells have border images and the interior cell is the content. You can also use a technique like this one:http://alistapart.com/articles/slidingdoors/It just depends on the situation, or what your goals are.
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