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Form to CSV


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So, I've got this script for building a CSV file (from a form) that I'm trying to pick apart and figure out.Here's the form: http://www.fatherhood.org/magicform.aspHere's the code from magiformprocess.asp

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''This gets all the values entered in the form.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''strAdminEmail = Request.Form("AdminEmail")strUserEmail = Request.Form("UserEmail")strtext = Request.Form("Text")'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Store data in database'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''set conn	= db.ActiveConnectionfor each thing in split(strUserEmail, ",")	thing		= trim(thing)	set RS	= conn.execute("INSERT INTO magicform.csv(UserEmail, Text) VALUES(" & NIB(StrUserEmail) & ", " & NIB(StrText) & "); Select @@Identity as Identifier ")	set rsID = rs.NextRecordset	intIDvalue = rsID("Identifier")nextkill connIf len(intIDvalue) > 0 Then  URL = replace(URL, "[iD_HERE]",intIDvalue)Else  Response.Write "There was a problem getting intIDvalue "End If

But, I get this error:

 	Tell a Friend Tell a Friend  Email This Page to a Friend Email  Print This Page PrintMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e37'Invalid object name 'magicform.csv'./magicformprocess.asp, line 164 

What am I doing wrong?

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Not really sure, but think its because of period [.]in the table name. did you have similar trouble before with the table name? try INSERT INTO [magicform.csv](UserEmail......Also try to print out the SQL query and see if its in the correct format.

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