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Is there a way to not translate certain elements?


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Hey all. I'm new to XSLT and am working on a play website that uses XML/XSLT to render everything. My question is simple... is there a way in XSLT not to translate the contents of certain elements? For example...

<page>	<title>Yada yada</title>	<content>		<section title='Some heading'>			<rawHTML>				   <p>This is an image link <a href='/somewhere.html'><img src='/someimage.jpg'/></a></p>			</rawHTML>		</section>	</content></page>

In the case above, is there a way for me to tell XSLT to leave all children of rawHTML as they are? I find that if I do this...

<xsl:template match='rawHTML'>	<xsl:apply-templates /></xsl:template>

...without any templates matching the children of rawHTML, then the XSLT engine just outputs the XML with the tags stripped. I end up with text, no paragraph, no link, no image. I'd like to avoid having to have a XSLT file full of translations from one thing into the same thing. Right now I'm working around it with code like this:

<xsl:template match='img'>   <img src='@url' alt='@alt'/></xsl:template>

..but that seems horribly inefficient. Any ideas?Mark

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Well, there are two ways. One is to match all descendatns of whatever element you want to preserve and do a shallow copy (useful if you need to change some element in the preserved part), or just make a complete copy.You could get away with the later like so:

<xsl:template match='rawHTML'>	<xsl:copy-of select="text()|*"/></xsl:template>

And for other cases, you might need to do:

<xsl:template match='rawHTML//*'>	<xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates /></xsl:copy></xsl:template>

I'm not completely sure of the effects of that one though. Putting it into a good use takes some trial&error.

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Well, there are two ways. One is to match all descendatns of whatever element you want to preserve and do a shallow copy (useful if you need to change some element in the preserved part), or just make a complete copy.You could get away with the later like so:
<xsl:template match='rawHTML'>	<xsl:copy-of select="text()|*"/></xsl:template>

And for other cases, you might need to do:

<xsl:template match='rawHTML//*'>	<xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates /></xsl:copy></xsl:template>

I'm not completely sure of the effects of that one though. Putting it into a good use takes some trial&error.

Your first solution works beautifully. Thank you :)
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