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Salut! Beau site!Mais pourquoi les 2 bandes à droite et à gauche si t'as rien dedans? Ca semble un peu vide avec les bandes... Aussi sur le lien consultation avec la feuille par dessus, je pense que la feuille devrait rester la même sur le hover, même chose pour contact. La barre séparatrice entre consultation et contact devrait aller sous la feuille.Beau travail! :)edit: ah je viens de voir sur les autres pages que t'as une subnavigation. Ya une coupe de pages qui marche pas mais I guess que tu travail dessus. Pour ta mère?

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sorry to be offtopic, but I do have a point of critic - it doesn't concern your website though but your signature: I woud advise you to move step #4 to #1 (how are you going to download firefox if you've just uninstalled all copies of ie?) I can't say anything about the site since I too get the 'forbidden' message...

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Hmm. Actually, you can't uninstall IE in the first place. Various components of IE are used by Windows to do other things, and you can't uninstall it, through Add/Remove programs or anywhere else.Also, just as a point of fact, Opera is more secure then Firefox, although either is better then IE.

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Good web browsing on PCs means that IE, mostly version 7, doesn't show you the real internet. It shows you it's filtered version of what used to be good content. It's always blocking JavaScript or "Active Content", you rarely have the real page, what it's supposed to look like.And most people admit that, too. They say we should build our Web pages with FF or Opera, and then check to see if it works with IE 6 or 7, not vice-versa.

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That's funny.. I had permission to access his /mom/ when I tried.
You must have hit that too many times to bring it down so fast, I still can't access his /mom/ :)
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