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import variable


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.I built a variable in RuleStore/ESS5E/ESS5E-DMSLINES.xsl called cs1500Job and it works fine in that style sheet. <xsl:variable name="cs1500Job" select="dserv:getProperty($sourceModel,'ProcChoicesCS1500Job')"/>I want to use it in another style sheet RuleStore/DMS100/DLINEINV-Export_BASH.xsl I tried building it the same in this style sheet but I get the following error:java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: For extension function, could not find method java.lang.String.getProperty([ExpressionContext,] #STRING).: I have tried to build it several different ways with no luck, I also tried to include and import ESS5E/ESS5E-DMSLINES.xslNo Luck. Can anyone tell me how to use a variable in one style sheet in a different style sheet?

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What sort of extension function is this one? A processor specific one, or created in XSLT 2.0 with <xsl:function/>?If the second, just <xsl:import/> or <xsl:include/> a single file containing the function.If it's a processor specific function, written in that processor's language, then I'm afraid I can't help you with that. You'll have to seek help from the XSLT processor's vendor, possibly giving out your JAVA code.

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