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progress bar in javascript


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Or you could use the onload attributes of, say, images, to increment the progress bar as the image elements load.

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you can etc use PHP to do this, if you store the prosses %'s in a mysql database, like from 1-100 you can use a function like this :

<?phpsession_start();$user=$_SESSION['user'];$usero=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$user'"));echo"<table border=\"1\" width=\"100\" bordercolor=\"000000\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"100\">User Prosess</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=\"ff0000\" width=\"$usero->prosess\">$usero->prosess%<td></tr></table>";?>

Think thats how i used something simlar one time :).. Hope it can help you :)..-Kristian_C

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