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e has no properties


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Edit: Oops - I fixed the problem (why does that always happen just after I post?)The set handler line should read document.onkeydown = function(e) {Hello all,I don't understand why the error message as in the title comes when I try to set a handler to document.onkeydown. The function is

function welcome() {	set_pause(true);	pages = new Array(		"Welcome to the JavaScript.RolePlayingGame, a new entirely JavaScript-based text-based role playing game for the FireFox web browser.",		"This is the second page"	);	current_page = 0;	console.innerHTML = pages[current_page];	document.onkeydown = new function(e) {		if (!e) e = window.event;		var keycode = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode;		if (keycode == 38 && current_page != 0) {			current_page--;		} else if (keycode == 40) {			if (current_page != pages.length) {				current_page++;			} else {				set_pause(false);			}		}		console.innerHTML = pages[current_page];	}}

The complete code can be seen at http://www.roundeddesign.com/experiments/rpg.htm (only works in Firefox).I set the onkeydown handler before the function, as well, and want to overwrite it. Does this make a difference?

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