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Problem http.onreadystatechange = fuction doesnt work


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i have put 3 times alert("Compiler is here!"); but only once is pop up (and whole other script doenst work in site :/)Site is loaded after hiting OK on the Compiler is here (first and only :/)

<head><script src="clock.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">account=getCookie('username');alert(account);if (account!=""){	alert(account);	mid= account.indexOf(";");	name= account.substring(0,mid);	pass= account.substring(mid+1,account.length -1);	url = "checklogin.php?p="+pass+"&a="+name;	alert("Compiler is here!");	http.open("GET",url,true);	http.onreadystatechange = function() 	{	alert("Compiler is here !");		if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) 			{				alert("Compiler is here!");				var results= http.responseText;				if (results ==0)				{					document.getElementById("membermenu").innerHTML="Kalos ir8ate<br>"+usr+"<br><strong><div id ='logout' onClick=logout(); >Logout</strong>";				}				else if (results==1)				{					window.location="admin.html";				}				else if (results.match("error"))				{					alert("Εισάγατε λάθος κωδικό/λογαριασμό");				}							}	}	http.send(null);	}

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You should check Javascript errors, it will give you errors indicating things like http is null or not an object. Also, Javascript doesn't have a compiler, it has an interpreter. If you do this you should see that the line between the alerts is causing a fatal error because the third line does not get executed:alert("point 1");http.open("GET",url,true);alert("point 2");You can check the Javascript console in your browser to see the actual error message.

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