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Where doesn't work when order by is activated


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Hello,i'am having a problem with my sql query. I use ASP to read my table.When I use the order by my where part doesn't work anymore.Why is did happining??

rs2.Open "SELECT * FROM Table1 where mesnum >= "& beginmes &" or mesnum <= " & endmes & " order by mesnum desc", conn,1,1

mesnum is my Key Element.When i remove the order by part its working fine, but the data is in the wrond order ( it must be asc in stead of desc)thats why i am using the order by part.

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ORDER BY doesn't have anything to do with the WHERE clause. There is probably something in the endmes variable that is causing the query to fail.
Thnx i checked the query and changed OR into AND and now its working fine :).
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