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find/select the elements


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hii'm creating an application where i would like to give users an option to display the HTML element information when they click the elements using mouse.The page may contain many elements and i want to find the element first and then it's info when it's was clicked by the mouse. I know how to fetch all the info related to the element once i got the element/object .. but i struck back at the point where i've to find which element was clicked..I don't want to add onclick function call to each and every element i create (eventually the pages are already created) by just including the external js file to any of the page i should able to accomplish this..Please help me

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You can put an onclick event listener on every element in the document by using this:

document.onclick = myClickHandler;

Alternatively, if you only want to add the onclick listener to div elements with a classname of "MyClickyDiv", you could do something like this:

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++){	if(divs[i].className == "MyClickyDiv")	{		divs[i].onclick = myClickHandler;	}}

Then, once you have then handler listening to the onclick events, your function could look like this:

function myClickHandler(e){	// Many browsers pass a reference to the 	// event directly to the event handler.  IE does	// not, so we have to derive it	e = (e) ? e : window.event;	// Different browsers create different events, so	// to get the element that created the event, we	// have to do something like this.	var element = (e.target) ? e.target: e.srcElement;	// Now "element" is a reference to the element that 	// sent the event.  Do something with it.	element.innerHTML += " was just clicked!";}

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi,It worked fine.But,

I don't want to add onclick function call to each and every element i create (eventually the pages are already created) by just including the external js file to any of the page i should able to accomplish this..
so is there any other way to make this ? Pls help!Regards,Sugan
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Yes, just put document.onclick = myClickHandler; with the relevant function in the external JS file...

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