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Strict Decimal Input Field


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Basically, i have an input field in a form, that i want someone to enter in a decimal to. The field needs to be big enough for only 4 characters, '00.0', but needs to place the decimal automatically. So when they type in '042', it will show up right in front of them as '04.2'. Is this easily achieved?

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i am working to it, but what i have to admit is that i really didn't write JS for a long time. So, here's my code. This does NOT work!! But i would like to post it, share, and for discussion. It will be great if it can give some tips to other programmers.

<html><head><script>function decimal(e){  var text = document.getElementById("abc").value;  var input;  if(window.event) // IE	input = e.keyCode;  else if(e.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera	input = e.which;  input = String.fromCharCode(input);/*alert("input: "+input);alert("text: "+text);text="123";alert(text.search("."));*/  if (input == '.')				// input a dot	if (text.length)	  return (text.indexOf(".")<0);	 // if there is already a dot, not allow another one	else	  { document.getElementById("abc").value = 0; return true; }  else if (isFinite(input)){	   // input a num	switch (text.length){	  case 0: return true;	  case 2: document.getElementById("abc").value += "."; return true;	}  } else	return false;}</script></head><body><input id="abc" type="text" maxlength="4" onkeypress="return decimal(event)" /></body></html>

And finally, a few words to add. Checking things at client side is absolutely unreliable!! You'd better double check it at the server side, by PHP or ASP or whatever. =)

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