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Any trick to save my source


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If it's on the internet, then it's not safe from peering eyes. Source code can not be 100% hidden from visitors if it's online. Sure you can steps to hide your source code anyways, it might work for computer newbies, but that doesn't work for advanced computer users that know their way around. If they really want it, they can have it.

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There is no way to completely protect HTML (IMO there isn't much reason to either). Give me a picture of a design and I can reproduce it without seeing the source code. Anybody that does know HTML well enough to reproduce a design is not much of a threat to you.

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There's really nothing you can do. Someone can always do View -> Source and you can't stop them from doing that, the only thing you can do is take the effort to encrypt the code and decrypt it using Javascript. That way an amateur would be looking at encrypted code, but it still wouldn't stop anyone who knows what they're doing. You can do a search online for Javascript encryption and decryption code. experts-exchange.com is one site that uses a rudimentary encryption algorithm to hide answers for non-members, but it takes about 3 seconds to get around it.

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Why would you be concerned about an amateur ripping your code?

  • thats how some people learn
  • they stil have know enough to manipulate what you've already done
  • its a compliment to have people "steel" your code
  • they sure are not going to take your business since they're too busy steeling your code

I'd let it go and not worry about. Just worry about the raw/unrendered code - that deems more security protection that anything else - other than a database if it is involved.

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Maybe you are right. But what if someone say me that i ripped that site? It happened to my mate.
You mean if another site makes a copy of your site, claims it of it's own and accusing you of stealing it from them?Well, there isn't any real "web police" out there, but I guess one thing you can do is to manually register your site in search engines and web catalogs immediately after the site's release. When someone claims ownership, you can check up with the host, and most likely, the host will reply that the account the site is on has been registered AFTER you have registered your site to those catalogs, essentially meaning there's no way YOU could be the thief.Still, that's a matter of honor. There isn't anything someone can do, other then trying to ruin your reputation. But good and unique content always prevails. If you have that, you'll be unstoppable.
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Understanding that being concerned about someone stealing the actual rendered code of your site is a good start to understanding where efforts to secure your site truly belong.If, in your original post and subsquent posts your main concern is someone just ripping your code for the sake of reinterpreting its methodology, then I would not waste your time on any efforts to secure your code.If, on the other hand, you are concerned with someone ripping your site with the intent to republish it outright with no alteration, then you are dealing with a clean and simply copyright infringement. As boen_robot explains, there is no single entity that is responsible for policing the web, especially in that respect. So, just like in the offline work, you are solely responsible for enforcing your copyright privileges. If you find someone in violation, you approach them or go directly to your lawyer - depending on your situation obviously.Hope that helps a little more.

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Time to learn some php.

function hexentities($str) { // encodes the text in $str into 'html entity' format 	global  $encoded;	$encoded = '';	for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {		$encoded .= ''.bin2hex(substr($str, $i, 1)).';';	}	return $encoded;}

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