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alternative to charAt ?


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This function (built here with help)

function movD() {for (i=0;i<document.getElementsByTagName("span").length; i++) {if (document.getElementsByTagName("span").item(i).id.charAt(0) == "m"){document.getElementsByTagName("span").item(i).style.display = "inline"  }}}

grabs elements with "m" as the first character in their id.If I need to grab elements by the first and second characters in the id, say "m1", is it

if (document.getElementsByTagName("span").item(i).id.charAt(0) == "m" &&if (document.getElementsByTagName("span").item(i).id.charAt(1) == "1)) { etc

or is there a way of converting the id to a string and then choosing the relevant bit? The id would have five characters.Cheers. Brain's gone to jelly.

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The ID already is a string, you can use either substr or substring to get part of the string. What you have would work but you don't put one if statement as a condition inside another if, you just list all of the conditions separated by either an && or || operator.

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You could also use indexOf rather than charAt

function movD(){	var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");	for (i=0; i<spans.length; i++)	{		if(spans[i].id.indexOf("m1") == 0)		{			spans[i].style.display = "inline";		}	}}

Check out the Javascript String reference: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_string.asp

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