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I will try this again


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My main page has thumbnails that are linked to pictures that are created on their own html page and in their own folder. In others words thumbnail 1 links up to html1. What happened was that google indexed those picture pages(html1). Not what I wanted. I have used the meta-tags to stop the indexing of those pages and it has worked. I only want my main folder indexed (index.html). I didn't want these pictures viewed independently like that. Is it reasonable to only index your main page? All of my pages our linked up to one another, so I figured I would only need to have my main page indexed by the search engines. Does that make sense? Since I have added the meta tags to the picture pages they are not indexed now, which is what I wanted. On my main page I used <meta name="robots" content="noarchive, nofollow" /> The logic being I did not want my page archived and followed , but I want it indexed. The other pages on my site I have them taged as noindex . Is this a reasonable strategy? I am quite new at this. Any help would be appreciated. Peace...

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As far as I know, putting the meta element affects how search engines deal with the document containing it and the links from that document.If you want a greather degree of control, create a file called robots.txt and place it at your document root (i.e. the folder which is considered "the base" of all documents on the server).In that file, use something like

User-agent: *Disallow: /path/to/the/images/folderDisallow: /additional/disallows/as/needed

replacing the paths of course, and as the second path says, add additional disallows as needed.

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