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firefox issues


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If my site is opened within firefox the text layer is static on the left side. When the window is resized the background table moves without the text layer. I'm wondering if anyone knows a way around this.here is my css:

div#bio {font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;font-size: 11px;overflow: auto;position: absoluteleft: 100px;top: 65px;width: 323px;height: 418px;clear: none;}div#body {clear: none;position: relative;}

here's the code:

<div id="body" align="center"><BODY onLoad="MM_preloadImages('images/bio_rollover_07.gif','images/bio_rollover_08.gif','images/bio_rollover_09.gif')"><TABLE WIDTH=799 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>	<TR>		<TD COLSPAN=7>			<img src="images/williamson_website_01.gif" width=799 height=108 alt=""></TD>	</TR>	<TR>		<TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=2>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_02.gif" WIDTH=107 HEIGHT=432 ALT=""></TD>		<TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=left VALIGN=top>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_03.gif" WIDTH=328 HEIGHT=344 ALT=""></TD>		<TD ROWSPAN=4>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_04.gif" WIDTH=364 HEIGHT=492 ALT=""></TD>	</TR>	<TR>		<TD COLSPAN=4>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_05.gif" WIDTH=328 HEIGHT=88 ALT=""></TD>	</TR>	<TR>		<TD ROWSPAN=2>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_06.gif" WIDTH=82 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>		<TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=left VALIGN=top>			<a href="biography.htm" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('bio','','images/bio_rollover_07.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"><IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_07.gif" ALT="biography" name="bio" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=31 border="0" id="bio"></a></TD>		<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top>			<a href="photography.htm" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('photo','','images/bio_rollover_08.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"><IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_08.gif" ALT="photography" name="photo" WIDTH=101 HEIGHT=31 border="0" id="photo"></a></TD>		<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top>			<a href="javascript:;" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('contact','','images/bio_rollover_09.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"><IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_09.gif" ALT="contact" name="contact" WIDTH=93 HEIGHT=31 border="0" id="contact"></a></TD>		<TD ROWSPAN=2>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_10.gif" WIDTH=39 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>	</TR>	<TR>		<TD COLSPAN=4>			<IMG SRC="images/williamson_website_11.gif" WIDTH=314 HEIGHT=29 ALT=""></TD>	</TR>	<TR>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=82 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=25 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=95 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=101 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=93 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=39 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>		<TD>			<IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=364 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>	</TR></TABLE><div id="bio" align="center">         <p align="center"><font size="+4" face="Parchment">S</font>helley Williamson has been a professional photographer for 20 years.              <p align="center"><font size="3">S</font>he has been specializing in children's fine art portraiture for the    last eight years.                She was trained at Brooks Institute of Photographic Science in Santa    Barbara, California.  She lived abroad for 10 years and upon returning    to the states in the mid-nineties settled in Englewood, Colorado. Shelley then chose to specialize in Children's photography and wanted      to offer her clients a unique look that would be an alternative to      traditional photography.       <p align="center"><font size="3">P</font>hotogravure is a process that is archival and was perfected at the      turn of the 20th century to preserve portraits.  Today a non-toxic      polymer plate is used to create a photogravure.        <p align="center"> <font size="3">E</font>ach client has a photographic session.  Then the client and          photographer meet and discuss which images would look the best.  Next a          plate is made, hand inked and pulled through an Itaglio press to          achieve the look that you see in these images.                                     	  </div>	  </div></body></html>

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it is because you positioned the text to absolute. It will alwaysstay in the position you specified regardless of how the window changes.You should look into relative positions. If you want it to move witht eh table you need to put it in the table and position it relative to the the table.

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