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Hi,I am a complete n00b at PHP.Please tell me the difference between.define(NAME, 'prateek');and $name ='prateek'.Also I am not able to include('some.php?q=t');why is that?

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For the first one - the former statement defines a constant, which does not change all through script execution, while the latter defines a variable which can be changed.For your second question, you cannot pass querystrings through include() statements, instead just define a variable and read it from the included script

$q = t;include("some.php");

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For your second question, you cannot pass querystrings through include() statements
To add to that, $_GET inside an included file refers to the same variables as $_GET outside the file, it's the same array. Using $_GET inside an included files doesn't include any variables in the include statement, only variables in the URL of the page itself.
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Think of the include() function as simply copying and pasting the code from the included file into your main script.

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Sorry for such a delayed reply.is include like require() in ruby?

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