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background image aligned to top/left


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Having a unordered list structure on three levels I thought I only have to apply "background:#d9d9a2 url(bg.gif) top left;" to the open class (including another unordered list) in order to have the same background image showing only underneath the li text (level 1) and not the unordered list inside (level 2). Unfortunately, it did not work. Why cant you apply an image to the top left position of the li element only? This does not really make sense to me...Kurt

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code sample?I have a hypothetical answer for your hypothetical question, which hypothetically will or won't work. Maybe.
You will find the code under http://www.jalp.co.uk/test/navBarV1.htm. Under http://www.jalp.co.uk/test/navLayout.htm you will get an idea of what look I am after. I need buttons that all more or less look the same, but I need a hierachie to be able to open and close the sub-sections. As you can see the nav bar would get massively long (and this is not even the whole nav bar)... In a perfect world the colour of the "View By Range", "View By Room" and current item have a different colour.Kurt
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Great links, got various things from those pages that are important. Getting closer to the solution, but still not there. Working on file under http://www.jalp.co.uk/sidebar/V3/navBarV1.htm. Although we solved now the bg colour for the nested list (have "ul > li > ul {background:#fff;}" in css file now) there are still some issues with bg color (made it bright red for now). Played a bit with margin and padding, but it did not solve the issue. Keep trying... If you come across anything else I am here... Great input, cheers!KurtEdit: Actually, I just solved another issue... Now have to work on creating a white gap between the parent li and "erase" the bg colour from the </li>. Might try with bg image again... Already looking good!
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