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hi guys, I'm new in this forum and also a begginer in HTML, I found your tutorial quite helpful for my studies, but when i have arrived at the chapter of links, i don't manage to make work the link in the same document or just in another place in another document, so say, the Name Attribute.Could some of you make a example step by step, really I don't undestand it in the tutorial and is getting to my nerves, I would be very gratefulThanks for all. Richard

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hi guys, I'm new in this forum and also a begginer in HTML, I found your tutorial quite helpful for my studies, but when i have arrived at the chapter of links, i don't manage to make work the link in the same document or just in another place in another document, so say, the Name Attribute.Could some of you make a example step by step, really I don't undestand it in the tutorial and is getting to my nerves, I would be very gratefulThanks for all. Richard
Did you try the Try It example? It's a working page already, that you can edit to see the effect.
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Thanks for your replies. I should say something about. Yes I tried the example and I do not manage to make it work in my creations, but also the truth is that when I try the example, in the new opened page at the top, reads, “Edit the text and click me”. First I do not understand what means “Edit the text”, Should I select it and click? ( I tried and nothing happens) and in the “frame” besides, when I click the “See also chapter 4”, it just go to the chapter 4 (as it should do..), but it doesn’t help me to understand it.What I mean is if could some of you make a step by step of it?I’m sure is just an stupidity of the newbie i am, but I don manage to do it….And about the others replies, Fermat, I do not get what you mean with “ IGNORE”, maybe is not worth, but I would like to learn it…And jlhaslip, your link just brought me to a full page with “Page content here”, I don get if despite of the links.Is not that I want to see it works….. I would like to do it myself. Thanks for all anyway. Richard

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[...] in the “frame” besides, when I click the “See also chapter 4”, it just go to the chapter 4 (as it should do..), but it doesn’t help me to understand it.
That's fine, that's what it should do. The editing is what helps you understand:
[...] when I try the example, in the new opened page at the top, reads, “Edit the text and click me”. First I do not understand what means “Edit the text”, Should I select it and click? ( I tried and nothing happens) [...]
"Edit the text" means you can type and change the html inside the left "frame", to make it how you want to try something. Then, press the button that says "Edit the text and click me". When you press that button, the "frame" on the right is created from your html. So then you can see whether your html did what you meant. It's a great little tool!
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I am a newbie as well! :)OK, creating a link is simple.An example would be:-

a href="url">Text to be displayed</a>

The Url is what you enter to go to a website, use this if your sending people to another source.In the "Text to be displayed" is what people see so you could make This Brown writing the place where people click and takes you to the url.An example of an urlwww.w3schools.comWith this example:-

<a href="homepage.html">Text to be displayed</a>

is homepage.html, a document made by me, but that link refers to your document that you made and is going to upload to a server (your web page) if that makes sense?I hope I have helped you. :)

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And jlhaslip, your link just brought me to a full page with “Page content here”, I don get if despite of the links.Is not that I want to see it works….. I would like to do it myself.
If you go back to that link, and go to the page, it is an example page demonstrating the technique.There is a link at the top-left that will take you to the bottom of the page and a link at the bottom that will take you to the top.Do a view source of that page to see the html code. See if it helps you figure out how to create named id anchors and named anchors that will move or 'scroll' the page.
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Hi guys, thanks for your answer, but I think I do not manage to make understand myself.Thanks Reg Edit, now I know what means “Edit the text”, but this is the only thing I have advanced, when I type something and click Edit, it just appears in the other “frame”. In general for all the answers, I know what it does, my question is How it does it. What is the syntaxes and the process to follow to make a working “ <a name=”…”>tag</a>?I mean, I have a document it the one I’m working and it one place in this document I want to create a link that transport me to another part of the same document, lets say the work apple, so I just put the name apple in between the “…” (<a name=”apple”> thinks to eat </a>…and just this….nothing happen.Thanks Beatles4, I already know how to make a link work, my question is about a name link, by the way, did you success, show me how you do it.And jhaslip, yes I go to this page, I have a big screen, so the end and the begginign of the document just fill my screen, but I know What it means, but it doesn’t explain how to do it.If I would be explaining how to make a title in the browser I would say…..Put < <html>, after you put <head> and <title>Now here is the title that it would appear, close all the tags…</title> </head> <body>.Could same of you please make something like this with the name tag…..I’m not particularly intelligent, but either I’m particularly dummy.Thaks for your patience guys. Richard

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Oh, you want the anchoring code. At least that's what I'm understanding.You place an anchor on your page like, <a name="apple">Section About Apples</a>, then somewhere else on your page, put a link so people can click on it, like <a href="#apple">Go To The Apple Section</a>. Also, look at this example: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?fi...l_link_bookmark

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[...] so I just put the name apple in between the “…” (<a name=”apple”> thinks to eat </a>…and just this….nothing happen.
What editor are you using? Because I just pasted your apple anchor to make an example for you, and it would not work until I got rid of those strange quotation marks!!!Compare:<a name=”apple”> (yours “”)<a name="apple"> (mine ""):)
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:) Thanks for all guys, I got my way somewhere, but I will say something.Yes RahXephon, your example is good, but maybe I will have not unserstood it if I do not know exactly what to do, once knowing this is easy to understand.The example I was asking would be something like this.Anchor to a place in a document: Lets say that you what to anchor in the document you are working.Go to the place you what to be transported to… i.e. There is many kinds of apples. Sections of apples (here you want to be transported when you click the link), so you write in this place... There is many kinds of apples.. <a name=”section”>Section of apples </a>So now you have created the anchor in that place.Now you go to the place where you what to insert the link that transport you to that place, lets say… …apples have different tastes, you can visit our section of apples <a href=”#section”> here </a>And there is done.If the place to be transported is in another document, in the link you specify the url of that document, lets say: <a href=”apples.html#section”> here </a>The importance is to remember that the hash symbol #,indicates the browser that there is somewhere (in this document or in another one) and anchor with that name (section, in this case) to be transported to.Well, maybe others will not understand me now….About the weird quotations marks, I do not know where they come form, I know the difference.Thanks for yours answers and patience, and probably I will ask for more….surely.Richard
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