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unordered list (bullets missing)


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Hello everyone!I'm trying to display a list of items by absolute positioning.The list of items is displayed but the bulletts are missing!

<html><head><title>The Project</title><style type="text/css">ul.sciencelist {    list-style-type: disc;	position: absolute;	left: 80px;	top: 100px;}</style></head><body><h2>Time to study Science</h2><p><img src="ScientistsStudying.jpg" align="left"> Here is a list of items:-<ul class="sciencelist"><li>Magnet</li><li>Spatula</li><li>Compass</li><li>String</li></ul><br /></p></body></html>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.Joyster :)

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Strangely that loads fine in FF but not in IE. I'm not totally sure what the problem is but try wrapping the ul in a div.

<html><head><title>The Project</title><style type="text/css">ul.sciencelist{list-style-type: disc;}div.sciencelistdiv {position: absolute;left: 80px;top: 100px;}</style></head><body><h2>Time to study Science</h2><p><img src="ScientistsStudying.jpg" align="left"> Here is a list of items:-<div class="sciencelistdiv"><ul class="sciencelist"><li>Magnet</li><li>Spatula</li><li>Compass</li><li>String</li></ul></div><br /></p></body></html>

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